WTH is this bug?


Its so hard to kill them all, I have empty box. And it is already 3rd (since 2 or 3 days ago) time when im trying to cleaing it out with alcohol but they are still appearing


H2O2 is killful for bugs, worms or maggots ? can it dry them to death as alcohol ? (that was my tactic). I guess i will need to buy tomorrow from
pharmacy sotre. Thx.


Well-Known Member
H2O2 is killful for bugs, worms or maggots ? can it dry them to death as alcohol ? (that was my tactic). I guess i will need to buy tommoro from
pharmacy sotre. Thx.

Yes. It's a treatment for fungus gnat maggots in soil. I'm not a bug expert but understanding...it's fucks them up. Due to the larva not having a shell as the adults do.

3% will bleach your fingers. Imagine it on a maggot? Yes I've used and use it.

With that above formula. Moist the top inch of the soil with a sprayer. Fluff it up with a dinner fork. Mist again. Any larva on site, mist them.

Plain old hydrogen peroxide.


Well-Known Member
Damn. Apologies. I answered this thread higher then hell. I was thinking you had plants growing. Spray them with vinegar when you run out of alcohol. Straight Simple Green kills paper wasp.
