Wub's Very First Grow.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
ya i would get that hot air from the light straight out, no need to filter it if its coming in clean(straight across the box). and then have a seperate one just for the smelly air to be filtered out. so in other words your having 2 instead of one.


The above box design is pretty much exactly what I am doing. I am going to set it up so that all of the exhaust is vented outside.

Ok, I have all of the Sensi seeds into the limewool and the one bag-seed still in there too. Will let these go for about 10-12 days and then will move them to my box. I cant wait.


Box is still under construction. Actually having to take a window out of the house and redo the back of the box to vent everything out. It should be "done" tomorrow. I needed to order a couple of parts online to complete it. Also, the carbon I ordered wasnt enough, so I need to buy more of that too. I promise the pics will flow as soon as the plants get moved into the box for their 18/6.


Picked this up today for 15 bucks off of CL. Works really good. It's a 4" fan, but moves a lot more air than the 6" in duct booster fan I have. I cant wait to get this hooked up and get the filter on it.



The one on closest to camera and on the right is the shorter bagseed. They are looking happy and healthy. As soon as I start seeing roots sticking out of the bottom or sides of the rockwool, I will move them to the box.



Active Member
Awesome! What medium are you going to grow them in? What size pots are you going to be using? And have you purchased any type of nutrients for them yet?


I bought some Fox Farm Ocean Forest and will be mixing with a Coco brick. The pots are 7 quest pots, pretty tall. The guy at the hydro shop said they were the perfect size for what I needed. I do not have nutes yet, but its a full kit that will last me the entire grow for about 40 bucks. I cant remember who the maker of it was.

I have roots starting to pop from the bottom of a couple of the seedlings, so I will be planting them tomorrow. Well, after I get the new fan working.


Well-Known Member
Looking good sir, loved your first grow looking forward to some sticky icky ;)
$15 for a 4" fan!? What a steal, good find how loud is it??


This is my first grow, mang!!

But yeah, 15 bucks for (what I think is) a 400CFM 4" fan.

EDIT- I was given some free General Hydroponics- Flora Nova One-Part Grow (7-4-10) nutrients and was told I could use this during the Veg stage. Will this be ok if I mix like it suggests on the back and water like youre supposed to? Wasnt sure if it would work since I am doing a soil grow.


Active Member
Hi wub, not sure but i dont think they make a 400 cfm fan in a four inch version, i may be wrong. In fact i normally am. lol. Still any cfm fan for 15 bones is a steal. Payed 82 shipped for my 6inch 400, best purchase i have ever made in terms of temp.

Good job on the setup. Nice and clean.


Well, I am guessing based on others I have seen online. This one is kind of old. There are no badges or manufacturer labels stating who made it or what the specs are. I only guess 400 CFM because it has way more power than the 250CFM duct booster fan I bought.

I do have a question- Three of my plants have the "burnt" looking tips on the very first leaves (they do not look like the regular leaves; the ones that come up as it breaks the soil), but the rest of the leaves are just fine. No yellowing or burn on the actual leaves coming in. Is this bad or does it happen? If it is bad, what is happening that caused it?


Active Member
Its fine, they have used up all the stored nutes from the seed. They will fall off eventually. When they start yellowing, i pluck them. I wait couple days after this to start my very light nute feeding. Slowly upping ppms until mid-flowering up to 1000ppms(dechlorinated tap). Starting at 200 ppm(distilled).