Started Germ'n the TrainWreck, Big Bang, El Nin~o, Cheese, Himalaya Gold, and GH's version of WW tonight. Will update as they go. Looks like one of my nirvana indoor mix is male, I got a fat ass indica i'm hoping will be fem. If so i got 2 good cutting locations on her. The 4 Aurora indica are on thier 2nd set of true leaves. As well as the super silver haze that's on 12/12 from seed. I changed my Veg plants over to Fox Farms Grow Big this feeding as well. KC Brains Mango, n G13 Labs Power Skunk # 5 are inline next. Farmed out the freebie off of SeedBoutique's Mazzar-i Sharif, Juicy Fruit, G13, and Super Silver Haze offsite along with some WW clones for in case of catastrophic events.