WW x BB 250 watt grow..


Well-Known Member
Hey all just wondering if i could get some feedback on my plant im still new to this as my 3rd grow. I had this vegged outdoors then a week or so in flower, and last 2 weeks in my tent i just purchased. I need some tips and advice on my setup on perhaps what i can change and or improve on its and 250watt grow and just over 3 weeks in flower. I noticed its still gettin pretty warm in tent roughly 31c and doin my best to keep it cool, also i have no co2 in tent just intake through the vent holes down bottom of tent. it be great to get some feedback! thanks guys cheers.


Well-Known Member
what kind of ventilation do you run in your tent ?

31C is a bit too much with out extra Co2 added (witch is the last thing you want to add after you got everything els dialed in) 25C is more like it +/- a few degrees

also, when you bring in plants you might also bring in Bug`s, just keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
what kind of ventilation do you run in your tent ?

31C is a bit too much with out extra Co2 added (witch is the last thing you want to add after you got everything els dialed in) 25C is more like it +/- a few degrees

also, when you bring in plants you might also bring in Bug`s, just keep that in mind

Ok well our outside temp in roughly around the same at the moment so im hoping it cools down soon. Do you recommend me adding the extra co2 then?i heard you can buy some sort of co2 extractor or something which i can put in tent??
As for the plant is it looking healthy enough? lacking in anything? thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
nahh look fine, the Co2 is a great way to up your yield … IF ! you got everything els spot on

IMO its sum thing for bigger scale grows, and in a sealed room of course, where the grower have everything dialed in, not for a hobby newbie grower with a few plants in a small tent in his garages ;) then its just a wast, so much els you can do first to optimize your grow before adding Co2 and its not cheap or easy to handle either and you also have to remember safety

plants look nice and green with flat leaves, so look ok to me, they can also easily handle +30c but it will have a effect of the final out come (yield/potency) at least make sure you have some good air circulation in there, instead of investing +500$ on a co2 set up, use them 100$ on a ventilation and some ducting so you can ventilate the tent and replace the air (witch keep Co2) then you also have the option to add a filter if odor is a issue for you ?

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Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks for help man, and yeah i do think i have adequete circulationi hope ha, im using 2 100mm fans inside tent ,6' exhaust fan and smaller pc fan at intake holes in tent. Yeah i hope this 30c+ weather cools soon i recon it have a impact on the temp inside tent.
i no its hard to tell by pics but you recon i get upto 2 ounce off her or? buds feel dense to me haha just worried about potency it barely smells atm


Well-Known Member
what you get is as easy to predict as the catch on a fishing trip, might be awesome might get nothing

but 2 oz don't sounds totally off, if you do your part (mostly leaving her alone to do her stuff, she knows how) keep her green and keep it simple

you do have 7-9 top`s on her that each easily can produce 10g of quality smoke, if you get everything optimal

can you keep the temps under 30C for most part and keep her with enough water and the right nutrients with out over do it, you should hit 1-3 oz

but agin its just a fools guess, in RL you probably get 1 oz of top dense nug´s and 1 oz of bottom flimsy bud´s, now you have a 250W and high temps and not a lot of experience, but then agin you might have the right genetic and you end up with a monster that yield twice of that, agin if you don't fuck up along the way, treat her like a baby in flowering

another thing, you don't need intake vent, as long as air is pulled out and there is some passive intake holes physic will take care of the rest, air going out have to be replaced with sum thing, after all we are still on Earth, so maybe use both as out take vents and just keep enough passive intake hole`s open, maybe even use some ducting if you have any around from the passive intake holes to "collect" fresh air near a window/opening ?


Well-Known Member
Hey slipon just got some update pics on the wwxbb it be great if you could check it out let me no how u think shes lookn cheers mate! IMG_0096.jpgIMG_0095.jpgIMG_0097.jpg