WW3 might happen this month?

Will it happen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Merica Fuck Yeah!!!

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Penis

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I think people have been crying WW3 for so long, that when it does happen people won't be prepared. But unfortunately I think this might actually be it..

You know the saying..

I don't know where ww3 will happen but I know ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones.


Well-Known Member
And I live in Colorado which is ground zero for an attack on American soil.
I live over 50 miles north of Boston so I'm safeish. Hey could be worse you could be in Texas you now that's a State that will take a few Nukes than my power will be out!! But yeah I'm down I haven't been breeding seeds for outdoors in my area for nothing kind of another reason I don't want to live in the city shit has been going down for years. WW2 started in Africa. Just hopefully we don't nuke each other out that's what the crazy Muslims want.


Well-Known Member
WW3 will be fought between the US and China, if it's fought at all. Putin is a thug, and just like a thug he will sit on his chair in the Kremlin and talk shit. He's got nothing to gain by pushing the button and in fact likely knows that his nuclear forces are not up to the task of ending the world even if he wanted to. Lots of deferred maintenance in that missile force.


Well-Known Member
WW3 will be fought between the US and China, if it's fought at all. Putin is a thug, and just like a thug he will sit on his chair in the Kremlin and talk shit. He's got nothing to gain by pushing the button and in fact likely knows that his nuclear forces are not up to the task of ending the world even if he wanted to. Lots of deferred maintenance in that missile force.
Oh yeah????


Well-Known Member
WW3 will be fought between the US and China, if it's fought at all. Putin is a thug, and just like a thug he will sit on his chair in the Kremlin and talk shit. He's got nothing to gain by pushing the button and in fact likely knows that his nuclear forces are not up to the task of ending the world even if he wanted to. Lots of deferred maintenance in that missile force.
I'm sure there missiles are up to it but they got nothing to gain we both lose if we go nuclear. I'm sure we would fight like men at first before nuclear weapons are used. China don't have a chance most of Asia will take them out and they don't have the power to invade the USA Russia has a short trip to Alaska though and they have a decent Navy and airforce. Anything can happen I just doubt it will go nuclear because nobody wins and they have a better chance of fighting us without nukes no sense in mass suicide over a sandy vagina. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there missiles are up to it but they got nothing to gain we both lose if we go nuclear. I'm sure we would fight like men at first before nuclear weapons are used. China don't have a chance most of Asia will take them out and they don't have the power to invade the USA Russia has a short trip to Alaska though and they have a decent Navy and airforce. Anything can happen I just doubt it will go nuclear because nobody wins and they have a better chance of fighting us without nukes no sense in mass suicide over a sandy vagina. bongsmilie
China is much better prepared to fight a World War today than Russia. And to an extent, even eager, witness their ongoing and increasingly aggressive land/sea grab campaign in the South China Sea area.


Well-Known Member
WW3 will be fought between the US and China, if it's fought at all. Putin is a thug, and just like a thug he will sit on his chair in the Kremlin and talk shit. He's got nothing to gain by pushing the button and in fact likely knows that his nuclear forces are not up to the task of ending the world even if he wanted to. Lots of deferred maintenance in that missile force.
UN sanctions lifted tho??


Well-Known Member
China/Russia=same shit right?
Fuck no, and thank our lucky stars; China's military is much better equipped and much larger. China has a navy and is using it, where Putin's navy stays close to home. China's economy is much larger than Russia's, nearly the size of the US economy.

Russia is suffering a nasty cash crunch with the price of oil falling as it has, this is absolutely not an accident. It's a means of economic power projection by America and her allies, designed to reduce our adcersary's resources without firing a shot.

Russia is also embroiled in the eastern Ukraine mess of its own design, and that is also a huge strain on resources. China has not been enthusiastic about Putin's antics while sharing a mutual border, and there's certainly no automatic alliance between them.

Finally, China is keenly aware of who its largest trade partner is- US- and how important that relationship is to their economy. Crossing us too badly would make us take our shopping elsewhere, seriously but not fatally damaging their entire economy.

UN sanctions lifted tho??
I don't believe so. Sanctions against Iran were recently lifted, allowing them to help flood the oil market and keep prices down.

Hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
Russia is suffering a nasty cash crunch with the price of oil falling as it has, this is absolutely not an accident. It's a means of economic power projection by America and her allies, designed to reduce our adcersary's resources without firing a shot.
I thought the global oil shortage was caused by myriad factors including OPECs refusal to slow production, the huge withdrawl of Fracking Natural gas from our own reserves. I'm not sure how many hundreds of billions of oil cash have been lost, and how close to the brink this has brought us, so I don't view any of this as a complete plan.

I can totally see how the US may have pushed private US industry into fracking. That totally makes sense and easily implemented. And puts the nuts to Putin. Totally. I can also see us whispering to Canada and achieving the same. Seems easy to get them to come along with this. Much of the rest is out of our control. And it spiraled far, far beyond any intended action. Our internal fracking system is limping along. Huge layoffs. This was not part of any plan.