The Constitution is not magic. It is an agreement between people. It is not infallible. It counted people as fractions based on skin color. Just keep that in mind. The founding fathers did not believe they were creating the tablets that god gave Moses - why do we?

I'm curious if you think an agreement between some people should envelope other people who never consented to the agreement.
Just seen on CNN today Russia is moving nuclear missiles onto the EU border. :)

Just a few months ago they moved Nuclear submarines into the Atlantic Ocean.

North Korea is playing games like always but they might just do something they can see the USA is weak and can't touch the Taliban.
Are Americans really ready for another war? how important is it for America that Syria has a new government never mind that it is made up of radical islamic terrorist as long as they are anti Russian or anti Iranian. Are we ready for war with Syria, Iran and Russia. I'm not.Neither Iran or Russia will stand by and let Damascuss fall.
Are Americans really ready for another war? how important is it for America that Syria has a new government never mind that it is made up of radical islamic terrorist as long as they are anti Russian or anti Iranian. Are we ready for war with Syria, Iran and Russia. I'm not.Neither Iran or Russia will stand by and let Damascuss fall.
Unfortunately the people have no say Trump might be better but Hillary is bat shit crazy on the same page as Obama and Obama don't give a fuck about Russia wants to give terrorists weapons to bring down Russian aircraft. Sure is not a good way to avoid war.

Not to mention we created fucking ISIS!
Unfortunately the people have no say Trump might be better but Hillary is bat shit crazy on the same page as Obama and Obama don't give a fuck about Russia wants to give terrorists weapons to bring down Russian aircraft. Sure is not a good way to avoid war.

Not to mention we created fucking ISIS!

Fuck Russia. Fuck them right in the ear. This is Putin throwing his weight around. Why are you such a mouthpiece for Putin? There is a purpose for international organizations. With it comes the implicit charge to bring pressure to abherant foreign leaders. That includes removing them. It does not succeed in this much but it tries hard. The UN is a civilizing influence on the world. Putin's Russia, Assad and TRU
Fuck Russia. Fuck them right in the ear. This is Putin throwing his weight around. Why are you such a mouthpiece for Putin? There is a purpose for international organizations. With it comes the implicit charge to bring pressure to abherant foreign leaders. That includes removing them. It does not succeed in this much but it tries hard. The UN is a civilizing influence on the world. Putin's Russia, Assad and TRUMP! are the opposite.

Your problem PutinPie, is that you are gullible and easily distracted by manufactured news. You are a sucker.

Shouting loudly and attacking the messenger doesn't disprove or discredit the message.

Despite the abuse aimed his way, on this issue, flaming pie has proved to be more knowledgeable and accurate than his detractors.

Choosing a stance and defending it in spite of evidence is nothing more than ignorance...by definition.
People are simple, we like everything to be black and white...good vs evil, like star wars.

Russia does something...then it's bad

USA does something then their motive must be good.

Try living in the real world people and they won't be able to get away with the shit they pull.

Stop supporting and defending murdering psychopaths just because you don't like their opponents. It makes you so fucking easy to control
People bitch about taxes...and the salivate about our 'good nation' bombing the shit out of another country.
All those weapons, you pay for, make others rich.

It's a fucking game and your not only being played like a fiddle, you support it.

Turkeys fucking voting for xmas!