WWF/WWE What happend?


Well-Known Member
I remember being a die hard wrestling fan,and watched monday night raw,smackdown,and sunday night heat religiously,this was back in 1998 I had to be about 9 years old.Triple H being one of my favorite wrestlers,shawn michaels,kane,the rock,stone cold,mick foley,the hardy boyz were the shit to me,great matches,great story line that had you jumping up and down waiting for what was going to happen next week.I remember when chris jericho made his debut with the Y2J gimick when the titontron would have a count down to when he would show,same thing with tazz,when he came he was undefeated for some time,triple h ruining stephanie and test wedding on raw back in 1999,and so much more.

Something changed somewhere after 2003,the rock left to be a actor,triple h was getting bad injuries,stone cold turned into a tard saying "what" after everything someone says,all these new wrestlers came in to take the place of the wrestlers from the attitude and ruthless aggression era,and those wrestlers did not click with me well,and somewhere down the line I drifted away from watching,same thing with a few of my friends,we just felt like it just went to shit,I guess when they made it more family friendly with turning into a PG rated program.I brought the old attitude era on dvd from a seller on ioffer.com and just re watch them high,wich I wish I could have done when they were being aired live,the shits funny as hell.

This is a thread for the wrestling fans,I just wanted to know do you feel like me,or are their any wrestling fans out their who still watch?
Its gay and its fake, that's what happend! I'm sure if people wanted to see steroid using half naked men holding eachother they would watch soft gay porn
Vince became more obsessed with flashy stage promos and ratings.

He gave up on the storylines that made the Attitude Era what it was.

Plus there's no competition for him anymore, which makes the storylines even blander.

Honestly, if they did a better job of introducing these new characters and gave them more of a background/storyline like they did in the past, then they wouldn't be so hard to get over with for the fans... but now they just seem to be pumping out whomever they feel will be the next big thing.... like seriously I have no clue who Shameus (sp?) is and he's a World Champion? and i watched a match with him and he's a stiffer worker than Brock Lesnar.... I dunno anymore I give up now every time I give it a chance
ahhh i used to love the rock..back in my little days!:) good memory brought back up!
I feel the same way,everytime I flip through the T.V I come across raw,and it's like a car crash,you don't wanna look,but you look anyway to see if you can see a limb or a body part,but always get let down.I guess good things don't last forever.it was good while it lasted,and glad that I could witness it.I don't want it to come back the way it was,bcuz that's life,things will never be the same,I just always wonder what happen to all these other dudes,like x-pac,road dawg jesse james,billy bad ass,and all these good wrestlers,it's like the disapeared over night,and I guess I went along with them.
I remember being a die hard wrestling fan,and watched monday night raw,smackdown,and sunday night heat religiously,this was back in 1998 I had to be about 9 years old.Triple H being one of my favorite wrestlers,shawn michaels,kane,the rock,stone cold,mick foley,the hardy boyz were the shit to me,great matches,great story line that had you jumping up and down waiting for what was going to happen next week.I remember when chris jericho made his debut with the Y2J gimick when the titontron would have a count down to when he would show,same thing with tazz,when he came he was undefeated for some time,triple h ruining stephanie and test wedding on raw back in 1999,and so much more.
I was the same as you. We're about the same age (I was 10 in 1998 ), and I was a huge fan back then. However, I think I can solve the problem here: we grew up.
I feel the same way,everytime I flip through the T.V I come across raw,and it's like a car crash,you don't wanna look,but you look anyway to see if you can see a limb or a body part,but always get let down.I guess good things don't last forever.it was good while it lasted,and glad that I could witness it.I don't want it to come back the way it was,bcuz that's life,things will never be the same,I just always wonder what happen to all these other dudes,like x-pac,road dawg jesse james,billy bad ass,and all these good wrestlers,it's like the disapeared over night,and I guess I went along with them.

Road Dawg is still wrestling, just more underground now I think.

Last i heard of Pac, he did a prono with Chyna, (wtf) and also I recently saw a clip of him and Nash trying to bash Vince... but Nash has no room to talk he made wcw and tna fail lol.

I actually met Billy Gunn at a restaurant in Orlando, he's kind of a dick, but I did interrupt his dinner, but overall he's a calm and classy dude, said he still did small shows in the central Florida area.. that was in 06 though so I don't know about now...

It's kind of funny how I think back now about the storylines and things that the WWF did... remember the Extreme Title? WTF happened to that?
Road Dawg is still wrestling, just more underground now I think.

Last i heard of Pac, he did a prono with Chyna, (wtf) and also I recently saw a clip of him and Nash trying to bash Vince... but Nash has no room to talk he made wcw and tna fail lol.

I actually met Billy Gunn at a restaurant in Orlando, he's kind of a dick, but I did interrupt his dinner, but overall he's a calm and classy dude, said he still did small shows in the central Florida area.. that was in 06 though so I don't know about now...

It's kind of funny how I think back now about the storylines and things that the WWF did... remember the Extreme Title? WTF happened to that?

I remember meeting shawn michaels at a mcdonalds in lake city fl,him,his wife,and I think his son.got a autograph wich I still beat myself up to what I did with it.Whatever happend to that title,I have no idea,I forgot until you bought it up lol..I remember missing all of the PPV's bcuz they cost so much,I had to always wait until monday night raw to see who won the title or whatever happen that night.
It is 90% fakery and over-the-top theatrics.

I think over the six weeks that I was stuck with only one TV channel showing WWE 4 times a day, I saw about 5 fights that looked real or didn't make me want to facepalm at what the wrestlers were saying.

That being said, I got sucked into the theatrics X3 It's still ok entertainment if a little cringeworthy at times... But that's why it's called World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. It seems to be nothing more.

I still think The Rock, The Viper and Sin Cara are pretty cool, though. Cody Rhodes likes to wear an Assassin's Creed jacket for some unknown reason and Tensai's really bad japanese is hilarious.
It is 90% fakery and over-the-top theatrics.

I think over the six weeks that I was stuck with only one TV channel showing WWE 4 times a day, I saw about 5 fights that looked real or didn't make me want to facepalm at what the wrestlers were saying.

That being said, I got sucked into the theatrics X3 It's still ok entertainment if a little cringeworthy at times... But that's why it's called World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT. It seems to be nothing more.

I still think The Rock, The Viper and Sin Cara are pretty cool, though. Cody Rhodes likes to wear an Assassin's Creed jacket for some unknown reason and Tensai's really bad japanese is hilarious.
Yeah it makes for good entertainment and for if you wanna good laugh.The dialogue is funny as hell,specially when they talk shit on the mic,the cockiness is just funny as all hell.The viper? sin cara? cody rhodes?
I love the Rock. I'll still watch all his movies.

I remember hearing once that Edge was the champ. Lol that's how I knew it was over.
Heard Jerry Lawler needed CPR on live television the other night. They had to reiterate that it was real a bunch of times.