I think the reason they captured Chernobyl was to prevent desperate Ukraine citizens from entering the site to retrieve radioactive materials to make dirty bombs, knowing they will die in the process wouldn’t stop them. If the Russians want to go dirty then they just need to leave the 15 nuclear reactors in Ukraine to melt down. This is literally a scorched earth policy resulting in an uninhabitable Ukraine. It’s the sort of move a DT personality would make on the back foot once cornered.

I saw a documentary on Chernobyl you can't even get close enough to do something like that; you'd be dead.
The island i live on is said to have one of the best survival chancers if the earth goes nuclear. Not something id ever want to contemplate but the world knows America is crazy enough to use em.

As a madman with nukes invades a sovereign nation (not the US) who is much closer to Down Under.
Not a big fan of Elon, a narcist who doesn't share credit with his people, he is talented though. I'm glad he's on the right side of history, now social media better get on board with help too and get rid of Russian bullshit and propaganda. Cleanse the internet of bear shit! If he can get enough dishes into the place and the power stays on it could help, many can share a single connection.
The ex-Mrs benzos gives her money away.
This is gaining global popularity and momentum, taking on a life of it's own, companies are gonna line up out of survival soon a consumer boycott over this issue could be devastating. Vlad is screwed and Joe couldn't have planned it any better himself and who knows, the CIA might have driven him to it. The fight for liberal democracy is being fought in Ukraine on Vlad's doorstep, it might save a fight in America too. The republicans are divided and looking like shit over this, Trump and Tucker have both feet in their mouths. Ukrainians are white Christians with guns defending freedom from tyranny and that will resonate with much of their base.
That’s might be why Russia got so fast Chernobyl . To threaten all of nATo . unless Ukraine gives up he will blow up Chernobyl and cause it to radiate the environment causing harm. But Zelensky will still be alive. He will be radiated but still alive!
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This is probably the reason.

"The Chernobyl site is about 60 miles from Kyiv, and sits on the shortest route from Belarus to the capital. Furthermore they have captured the routes over the Pripyat River, so they can bring more troops into the country.

“It was the quickest way from A to B,” said James Acton, of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think-tank."

I don't like where this is going!
Putin has now used cluster bombs on a civilian population in Karkiv
Keep it up and Ukraine will be a no fly zone and there will be medium range NATO AA weapons going into the place with Ukrainian crews. Vlad is getting desperate, Stinger AA missiles and modern anti tank weapons have changed the rules in modern ground warfare and the Ukrainians are being supplied with as many as we can give them, many thousands, it takes about an hour to train someone to use a stinger or a shoulder launched anti tank weapon. If they can hold the west of the country the war will be long and costly, it is now a fight for survival for the authoritarians in the Kremlin and Minsk. I figure this war will continue now until the Russians leave Crimea and the contested areas in the east, the stakes have gone up. Popular and political support in Europe is HUGE!