Well-Known Member
my, how 19th century of you.Direct consequence of west ignoring what they did in Georgia in 2008. We knew Ukraine was next. Only thing Russians fear is the demonstration of force. Nothing else will deter them, period!
my, how 19th century of you.Direct consequence of west ignoring what they did in Georgia in 2008. We knew Ukraine was next. Only thing Russians fear is the demonstration of force. Nothing else will deter them, period!
Indeed , the world has gone crazy since Putin attacked Ukraine. Your cute. LolToo much ww3 going on, it’s so hot right now
Zedd has the best take on it that I've read.It’s just fucking sad and I don’t understand. Putin is likely the wealthiest person on the planet and could live his days in unimaginable comfort yet this is his chosen course. Some catastrophic flaw in his psyche? Pride? Nationalism? I just don’t get it.
I have some familiarity with psychopaths and narcissists, Putin also demonstrates Machiavellianism, in total this syndrome is know as the “dark triad”. This is the worst possible personality disorder in any human, in a rich intelligent omnipotent Russian it means big trouble. I am seeing this through the lens of psychopathy and predicting how a DT personality would act.
There he is. Denying what he just did.
Racist trash.
fifyZe DDD. good things come on 3's?
This forum has no pity.I was wasted and got into a 3 groove
"Obama is why Putin invaded Ukraine"right on a queue. Yawn
"Obama caused Putin to invade Ukraine"
Scrub says shitty thing, shitty thing is pointed out, scrub voices grievance.
white grievance, voiced exactly as expected.
rinse wash repeat
So you are saying that Obama was worse than Trump trying to strong-arm Ukraine into manufacturing political dirt by holding up arms?You have a sickness. You’ve created this boogeyman that is out to get you. I didn’t say anything of the sort. Someone posted an opinion that Trump was weak/soft on Russia in the context of Ukraine, and I responded by pointing out the prior administration (Trump) was more supportive of Ukraine than the administration before him (Obama)
where you get “Obama caused Putin to invade Ukraine” makes zero sense and is just an attempt to shut someone up who has different points of view than you.
This actually all makes sense now. Your perception is reality, and explains how my original completely over the top sarcastic comment in another thread last year, using obvious rhetoric and speaking in absolutes trying to make a point about the double standard blaming an entire group of people because of the actions of a few, went over your head.
You’ll never believe me, I know. I don’t think in absolutes, I don’t view people as groups, and people arnt the sum of their skin pigmentation.
the news: Ukraine is invaded by Russia. Putin is threatening to pull the nuclear trigger.You have a sickness. You’ve created this boogeyman that is out to get you. I didn’t say anything of the sort. Someone posted an opinion that Trump was weak/soft on Russia in the context of Ukraine, and I responded by pointing out the prior administration (Trump) was more supportive of Ukraine than the administration before him (Obama)
where you get “Obama caused Putin to invade Ukraine” makes zero sense and is just an attempt to shut someone up who has different points of view than you.
This actually all makes sense now. Your perception is reality, and explains how my original completely over the top sarcastic comment in another thread last year, using obvious rhetoric and speaking in absolutes trying to make a point about the double standard blaming an entire group of people because of the actions of a few, went over your head.
You’ll never believe me, I know. I don’t think in absolutes, I don’t view people as groups, and people arnt the sum of their skin pigmentation.
So you are saying that Obama was worse than trying to strong-arm Ukraine into manufacturing political dirt by holding up arms?
What was Obama doing in the 8 years he was in office about Russia? One example I recall, he declined to arm Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in 2014. (Shortly after coming into office Trump approved that same request, then also requested 17 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative in his first 2 years, compared to Obama’s 5 billion in the last 3 years he was in office)
You mean Trumper didn’t take him seriously.
The truth is no one is in the western world wants a war with Russia. Putin has built a huge arsenal of weaponry & military high tech over the last 15 years and no one has taken his madness seriously until now. As usual history WILL repeat itself over and over again. I truly hope there isn't a WW3 as there is no way back once it starts.
None of those quotes have links. Do not require we trust you.I said this:
“What was Obama doing in the 8 years he was in office about Russia? One example I recall, he declined to arm Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in 2014. (Shortly after coming into office Trump approved that same request, then also requested 17 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative in his first 2 years, compared to Obama’s 5 billion in the last 3 years he was in office)”
In response to this:
“You mean Trumper didn’t take him seriously.”
^ That comment, was in response to this:
“The truth is no one is in the western world wants a war with Russia. Putin has built a huge arsenal of weaponry & military high tech over the last 15 years and no one has taken his madness seriously until now. As usual history WILL repeat itself over and over again. I truly hope there isn't a WW3 as there is no way back once it starts.”
*specifically in response to the 15 years and no one has taken his madness seriously. The person responded trying to dismiss the 15 years with Trumper.
(Also notice those are actual quotes not imaginary quotes @Fogdog imagined)
I completely understand why @nuskool89 wants to talk about the past. The behavior of Republicans and their right wing echo chamber lately has been awful. One could even say traitorous.
So, yeah, do go on about 2014. 2022 is a bad look for his kind.
Actually I just wanted to participate in the conversation others were having on the subject. I don’t know why you take such offense to that
None of those quotes have links. Do not require we trust you.
No. I meant links to the relevant journalism. Partial credit for creative interpretation.fixed*
that may have been a bit tongue in cheek on your end considering they’re right there in the thread to read, but I get it.
First to address the propaganda about Obama: said this:
“What was Obama doing in the 8 years he was in office about Russia? One example I recall, he declined to arm Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in 2014. (Shortly after coming into office Trump approved that same request, then also requested 17 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative in his first 2 years, compared to Obama’s 5 billion in the last 3 years he was in office)”
In response to this:
“You mean Trumper didn’t take him seriously.”
^ That comment, was in response to this:
“The truth is no one is in the western world wants a war with Russia. Putin has built a huge arsenal of weaponry & military high tech over the last 15 years and no one has taken his madness seriously until now. As usual history WILL repeat itself over and over again. I truly hope there isn't a WW3 as there is no way back once it starts.”
*specifically in response to the 15 years and no one has taken his madness seriously. The person responded trying to dismiss the 15 years with Trumper.
(Also notice those are actual quotes not imaginary quotes @Fogdog imagined)
Huh?right on a queue. Yawn
welcome to the politics forum, Tiflis.
Putin is paranoid and psychotic, he’s totally blown it by exposing his psychopathy for all to see. An exposed psychopath is more dangerous, so he will now do the strong man half stripped on horse back small guy thing and start pressing red buttons, (when he decides there has been any “interference” from foreign agencies in Ukraine).welcome to the politics forum, Tiflis.
If you want to defend what you said, feel free.
The reference to 19th century is that was the time when real men used real guns to project real power. It's different today. 21st century politics -- states compete economically, through technology and through information, not by invasions and killing. Putin does it the old way. I could be wrong but I think he's stepped in it. I do not know why he did it but most of the world is aligned against him. His economy wasn't doing well before the invasion and now the decline will accelerate. Not only that but he has hundreds of billions in dirty money cached in Western investments and banks. That is all now at risk. He will be defeated without the US firing a shot.
Some are saying he's not going to back down and will use nukes if his invasion isn't going well. Like within a week. It will be spectacular and we'll see how the world changes after that. primitive and brutal, that's Putin. Adding nukes would be 19th century politics with a 20th century update.