Xanax and Alcohol


New Member
I've always been a fan of mixing some xanax with alcohol, it always put me in the right mood for chillin parties.
I haven't gotten a hold of any for a while but I got some 1mg blues and ate 2.
2 mg xanax along with 10+ beers and other liq. I thought I went to bed at like 11:30, but my friends said I stayed up til 3:30 :shock:
Yeah, I was hella talkative, I don't remember almost anything, just like 2 sec previews not in order of the night lol.
So I'd say like 0.5 with alcohol, I normally don't get drunk to the point I can't stand but I was ONONE

So lesson learned, 0.5 about an hour before drinkin and don't get to wasted, that's a good night...
Fucking xannies. Damn things are trouble. The problem with don't get too wasted is you don't realize it when you are.
Been pretty close to respiratory arrest apparently and didn't know until I came to. Mixing CNS is depressants is a good way to not wake up.
I used to love the Xanax with or without a beer, had me doing my fair share of dumb shit on it though lol it can turn dangerous if you manage to get pissed off. I found them way to addictive and was just eating another then another for the hell of it till I was blacking out, then I didn't have them for like a week and that was fucked. I just eat the occasional valium now when im not smoking, lasts way longer then Xanax so don't get sucked into eating another and another and seem to do less dumb shit then when on the xanax
i don't see why someone would drink that much alcohol with xanax. i for one definitely enjoy mixing zannies with 6 beers or so..but 10+liquor is simply a recipe for disaster.
I got too fucked up and detracted brothaman. I also drank wine. But by the end of the night I was literally fading in an out...
Myh ex roomie got the .5 prescribed to him but never took em..he had like 5 or 6 full bottles of em and would pass em out at gatherings..all my buddys would be like 'oh take em,you get fucked up!' So finally I took 2..and don't remember shit..did the same thing on a later date and never since..I can't get down with a substance that blacks you out..'oh you feel so good and blah blah blah...' what's the use if you have no recollection or memory of how much 'fun' you had..ill stick to lsd...
Did xanax and alcohol once, won't do that again. I had been eating footballs all day when a buddy called me up to go to a party. I went from zero to fucked up and puking in no time flat.

One of the best combos I've ever tried was a couple Somas, a few beers and a couple puffs of weed. That was incredible.

I'm not a big fan of mixing pills and alcohol these days, I'm too fond of waking up in the morning (afternoon) to want to risk it.
rory420420 I'd just stick to eating like 0.15-0.5 when you're drinking, varied by how much you drink of course.
Now, I've just been in a bad mood, seems like the only thing that's been helping...

socaljoe, I've takin a lot of mixes, Xanax and Ketamine are very good too but k fucks you up enough alone anyway.
I've also did Xanax n OC's, which fucks me up too much to like. Hydrocodone and Melatonin, simular to being high af on xanax with a lil pzazz...

I don't test myself like that anymore, I seriously didn't even mean to drink that much the night I took all them xanax, shit just makes you forget...

The last time I mixed those 2 was in 1998, at a bar...and never did that again.

Somehow, in a brand new truck I wound-up in another state with absolutely no recollection of how I drove there. I also crashed through what must have been a toll gate b/c there was yellow paint dead center in hood. Mind you, I left this bar 5 miles from my apartment at about 10PM and didn't get home until sunrise...so I had to have stopped for gas somewhere.

Must have been no cops on the roads that night, cuz' I should have gone to jail.
sometime ago a friend of a friend drove through the entrance of walmart, parked and got out as if he was in a normal parking spot. he woke up in jail with no idea how he had gotten there. i bet he was a little confused when they told him lol.