Xanax bars


Active Member
Xanax does temporarily help with anxiety, but it just makes it worse when youre script runs out. my friend was shaking for 2 days when his valium got cut off, and another friend's grandma is like 60 and freaks the FUCK out when her script runs out. scary/sad
I've been on Xanax for two years and my anxiety gets worse then it ever has when I run out...should have just manned up on that shit when I had the chance instead of eating fukin pills...
And I don't see how people have trouble getting Benzos/Painkillers/ect. Most Dr's. are corrupt as fuck.


New Member
Just gonna throw this in here.
Xanax is pretty easy to get hooked on, after about a month you'll start noticing a difference in your life...


Active Member
kpins, longer half life..greens are like menthol snorting them, does nothing snorting benzos but the " menthol " effect is worth it... bars are decent but
over rated hard...


Well-Known Member
You guys are fools to take any benzo recreationally.

I was legally prescribed .5 milligrams which I took on and off for 30 days as needed for anxiety. Some days I would take two .5's, some days none, some days just one.

Then I stopped taking it and had a seizure. The seizure was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life- One minute I was working, the next I'm on the floor convulsing. Do a search for Xanax and seizures or Valium and seizures and you'll see how common it is. Notice how all these rappers are having seizures nowadays? Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Eminem and whoever else.

After I had the seizure I didn't feel right for about 3 months. Short term memory was completely fried. I would talk with you and 20 minutes later could not recall what we discussed. Thankfully I'm fully back to normal but still dread the thought of a seizure and am regretful that I ever took Xanax as it directly caused the seizure.

Stick the the weed guys- its safe. Everything else comes with dangers and the dangers with benzo's far outweight any feeling they provide.


Active Member
You guys are fools to take any benzo recreationally.

I was legally prescribed .5 milligrams which I took on and off for 30 days as needed for anxiety. Some days I would take two .5's, some days none, some days just one.

Then I stopped taking it and had a seizure. The seizure was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life- One minute I was working, the next I'm on the floor convulsing. Do a search for Xanax and seizures or Valium and seizures and you'll see how common it is. Notice how all these rappers are having seizures nowadays? Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Eminem and whoever else.

After I had the seizure I didn't feel right for about 3 months. Short term memory was completely fried. I would talk with you and 20 minutes later could not recall what we discussed. Thankfully I'm fully back to normal but still dread the thought of a seizure and am regretful that I ever took Xanax as it directly caused the seizure.

Stick the the weed guys- its safe. Everything else comes with dangers and the dangers with benzo's far outweight any feeling they provide.
Your just a pussy



Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people miss the point of benzos. They really aren't for getting fucked up - I know, I know some of you all eat two or three bars and blend into the walls or the floor but I urge you all to experiment with the tiny doses. Learn to pick up on the subtle qualities, the clean, pure clarity bubble that a good benzo will place you into. There is that comfortable sort of distance that the drug places you between yourself and the outside world. That calm, graceful..... tranquil state that leaves you utterly content while you move, feel and percieve in slightly slower motion than the world around you moves. Really, try getting up early on a sunday after a good night's rest, brew yourself a cup of coffee and take 1 or 1.5 mg of clonazapam or .5 mg of xanax - no pot, no aclohol (for me even a drop of alcohol ruins the effect) and see how completely quiet all of your internal dialog becomes.

Honestly, try to adjust your expectations of your benzo experience and you just might have a new appreciation for these wonderful chemicals.


such a love hate love relationship with these bars... love having them.. hate how my friends have to tell me later how much fun we had because i dont remember.... and there so easy to take too many...


Well-Known Member
Xanex isn't shit to fuck with recreationally

I took 2 bars one time before work thinking it wasn't shit, (after having taken .5 and not feeling it ((because I didn't wait long enough)) then, proceeded to fuck work up right as my shift started, then PASSING out completely and having to be taken home by a coworker, only to wake up the next morning not knowing what the fuck happened or how I got where I was. Xanex is like a date rape drug. I could have been fucked and never known what had happened.

Yet they prescribe it to anyone with an anxiety issue.. Welcome to the American pharmaceutical industry.. Where if you have the money to pay for it, it'll be prescribed to you.
xanax is for a chemical imbalance. for fucks sake smoke grass!