Xanax help! Newbish question.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love me some Xanax. I can take that shit all day. Smoke weed on it for sure.


Active Member
hell yeah i burn a fuck load when im on some bars sit back and relax i heard from a buddy of mine they make 5 miligram ones there supposedly red and a triangle dotn know if its true unlickely i think


Well-Known Member
dude i took 2 yellow ones with 4 bars snap a .3 of some bomb master kush 30 min later took one more then smoked another .3 of some bud.i didn't remember shit for 2 days lol.i have a family pic with like 20 of us in it i dont remember,i have a corona in my hand lol.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
i remember the z days. man time of my life.. thats when i partied all the time. come in early mornings get ready for work and do it all over again. but zannies and tabs. lortabs were the hardest thing for me to get off. glad i dont take them anymore.. except the adipex but thats just to get me threw at work.... bad i know.


See, i dont even remember posting this!!! :D after smoking a bowl i guess i popped 2 yellows unstead of a green and a yellow.. lol Sucks waking up without your best xanax bars.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I want to get barred the fuck out tonight, i took 1 full green monster (green bar with 3 sections) Because thats all the dealer had so i went to my other dealer and he had yellow school busses (yellow bar with 4 sections) are they ok to take together? Ive only ever mixed the white and the yellow quads.

Ask your doctor. 8)


Well-Known Member
soma is a muscle relaxer.i would take allot of them lol so 7 of them would have me feelin good.Imo i like them better than xanax.Norcos are good also.


Staff member
seems like alot if you don't know what youre dealing with. doubt you done too much before cause you said its a noob questions..
when experimenting i always take like 1, then ill wait 2 hours if i feel good ill take the other


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a lethal dose of ONLY xanex. It's when you mix other things with it that it'll get ya.


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as a lethal dose of ONLY xanex. It's when you mix other things with it that it'll get ya.
so if I pop 100 bars I wont die?I know people that eat 40 and will be on for a week.The only time they OD is when coke is mixed with it.
2 xanys and shit man.all it's gonna do is make you posted as fuck.i wouldnt drink on em.people tend to do dumb shit on and cant remember