LAX Skunky BwS
Well-Known Member
Anyone on here play COD4 for Xbox?? calling all Gamers.. whats your favorite game for XBox 360? mine is COD4

At the minute fifa 2010 is but i reckon im going to be fairly into the new GTA!
Been on a break from the box lately, but hit me up when COD4-2 comes out. I dare someone to challenge me, 1v1 or i get my niggas and we go 6v6!
No shit.. i downloaded some videos on XBox Live of the online play for Modern Warfare 2 .. that shit makes modern warfare 1 look like a chump ... and COD4 is still dope as fuck!When Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes out its ON LIKE DONKEY KONG
Ps3 all the way
damn I forgot I had that on my hard drive.gamertag is my username. I play CoD4, MW2(when it comes out) and I play a lot of Battlefield 1943 right now
PS3 lags too much for my taste. My 360 has never lagged. 360FTW!!!
Shawtybangbang do you have a PS3 or 360? If you have a 360 you can hack it and play burned games. I havent purchased a real game in a minute. Im waiting for Modern Warfare 2 and left for dead 2.
Left for dead + ChemDogg = Owns all