Xin's first grow


My 30x jeweler's loupe arrived today :) so I am all prepared to watch Consuela flower.

Hope still looks great except that her lowest leaves have started some random grey splotches :/ I posted in Plant Problems for advice but I learned frm Consuela... I am not going to take any drastic action. I am probably not going to do anything at all, actually. I just wanted to hear what people have to say about these spots.



Well, no one seems to know what's happening to Hope's lowest leaves (no responses in Plant Problems) but whatev. Here she is around 3 weeks old :) just gorgeous. Needs repotting soon! She is looking, not only large for a solo cup but also, a bit N deficient. Blood meal will be in her new mix :)



Repotted Hope last night. She had amazing roots all around and down to the bottom of the cup. She looks a little rough right now since those bottom leaves that originally started to grey are now dying, and she is a bit pale all over. I think she was running out of nutrients in the solo cup. She seems to have perked up a bit already overnight since the repotting. I'm not worried about her (although there is now greying on other leaves.....) she'll pull through :) She looks infinitely better than Consuela did at her age.

Consuela looks pretty good, more and more white hairs showing up. Standing up on her own now without fork-support. Good color green. Still has little leaf clusters that shrivel up here and there but I just shrug and pull them off lol. Idk. Both plants seem to have leaves that die for unknown reasons. Is that fairly common behavior or is there something wrong with my setup? Idk but I'm seeing some results so I'm going to keep at it. :bigjoint:


Hope at ~ 1 month old :) Some of her lower leaves shriveled up and died (you can see the dead litter that I pulled off and some remaining brown spots on the lower leaves) but the upper growth and height that she's getting totally makes up for it! Looks good to me :) (yeah, yeah I'm using some shitty white cardboard to reflect light to her.. bite me :P I'm so cheap lol)

I love the spacing that she's got. Consuela was always so dense. Light will get to the leaves better this way and it's easier to train :)


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Hope is a gorgeous biatch. Her growth rate is blowing my mind. She's pretty much as tall as Consuela already and she hasn't even started flowering.



I attempted my first go at Super Cropping Hope last night. Bent her stem until it flopped right over (without breaking the skin). By this morning she was back up nearly straight again with some dark bruising and swelling at the area. Idk how long its supposed to take before they straighten but I continue to be impressed by Hope daily. I also FIM topped her. I imagine she'll be forming new tops within days.

I'm definitely cloning this bitch. Probably going to take a stab at that very soon.


Consuela finally bit the big one this weekend. It's been pretty hot and humid out here lately and we have no A/C, no nothing so I think that's what got her. Her leaves were curling upwards and I knew she was getting too warm but she was still looking about normal for her (aka crap) but when I woke up on Saturday morning, she had flopped right over and she hasn't gotten back up. Sad times because she was flowering semi-successfully but, tbh, I've expected her demise for months so.... oh well. (I mean.. the reason I named her Consuela in the first place was because I was running a ghetto and cheap shit setup lol) The real issue is fixing the problems that killed her before I start flowering Hope. I've got some small-space dehumidifying units on order and will also get some fans for circulation.

Hope is my shining star. She's taller and more healthy looking than Consuela ever was. I've got all the ingredients in place to attempt a clone soon. I am going to try that within the next couple of days and only when I have at least 2 + healthy clones growing... only then will I start my beautiful Hope on flower. 'Till then I'll just let her veg :}

In the mean time, my boyfriend and I are smoking Consuela's non-dried, non-fully-developed buds. They're garbage but what else are you going to do? Yolo.
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For my records, as of July 5th, Hope is now under about 74w 6500k + 46w 2700k CFLs (equal to about 520w in incandescent terms and 8200 lumens) and surrounded by a reflective car windshield screen. She's also spent her entire veg time in 24h light.

(For comparison, Consuela's veg was under ~5600 lumens with no reflection and 18/6 light. ... that poor kid :( )
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One of the 2700k's burned out and I replaced it with a 6500k so it's now more like 97w 6500k + 23w 2700k

Weekly pics of the girl! :) She looks really good as usual. Shes got big broad fan leaves, nice spacing, good color and new growth coming in. That's a 10" diameter pot so I'd reckon her around 15" or so tall. I haven't watered her in quite some time but since it's been humid as hell here (and I'm fairly certain water logging is a large part of what did Consuela in), I'm going to wait until she shows signs of wilting before I water to avoid water logging. As long as she looks perky, I'm happy.

Here's a close up of where she was FIM topped. It's split real nice and lots of growth coming in :)

She's also got some new branches coming in with a full set of 2 fans. Those are going to be my clones :) That stem right there where my finger is, that's a clone-to-be :)

Sad to have lost Consuela but I couldn't be happier about Hope's progress.
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Took some small clones on July 10th. If either of them root and start growing the way their mother did, I'll put Hope into flower :)

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Well-Known Member
good luck with rooting in dirt.. takes a while but don't get discouraged! if you fail, check out the cloner tub in my signature!