Y socket question?? :S


Active Member
Hi everyone.

Does anyone here know any website where i can order the bulb Y-sockets online.

I can't get it in my country :S sh*t


Well-Known Member
Have you checked local hardware stores? They usually have it.. I dont know why a country wouldnt. Ebay should have some, just google it or something, but Id check hardware stores first.


Well-Known Member
imo if you cant find out where to get a y socket you prolly shouldnt start a grow....prolly burn your house down or get caught by the cops...leave it to the people with some intelligence.....nuthin personal


Well-Known Member
imo if you cant find out where to get a y socket you prolly shouldnt start a grow....prolly burn your house down or get caught by the cops...leave it to the people with some intelligence.....nuthin personal
For your information I started the very same thread about a year ago. In the UK there are no outlets for y-sockets and until i started looking at this forum I didnt even know they existed!!! But, I have been growing for 2 decades without any busts and have 2 degrees so am reasonably intelligent. In other words if you have nothing useful to say, then dont...:evil:


Well-Known Member
For your information I started the very same thread about a year ago. In the UK there are no outlets for y-sockets and until i started looking at this forum I didnt even know they existed!!! But, I have been growing for 2 decades without any busts and have 2 degrees so am reasonably intelligent. In other words if you have nothing useful to say, then dont...:evil:
you also started a thread about rooting a leaf, and never proved it


Active Member
imo if you cant find out where to get a y socket you prolly shouldnt start a grow....prolly burn your house down or get caught by the cops...leave it to the people with some intelligence.....nuthin personal

Thanks for the useful answer. Better Sh*t the F*** up when you don't know what to answer.


Well-Known Member
Poor you! So ignorant that you havent even searched on this website, let alone others to see that roooting a leaf is quite possible. The point of contention is where new growth comes, not whether it is possible..