Yay or nay for Miracle grow


Mr I Can Do That For Half
MG is fine to me from trying alot of thioer stuff just to find out as its great fro flowers and gardne vegetables which doesnt always translate to good for ganja. Mostly i have to say I wont use any MG but moisture control as the rest seemed to always be too much trouble for me and I will not use ever MG organic, peat or potting soil for ganj. i think most people who think they get nute burn is more likely nute lock as you have to poh your water everytime with MG to avoid any issues at all. It is a soil that like most growing ways takes time to get used to and perfect. I like Fox Farm soil sometimes but Im not such a happy frog fan yet. Light warrior is good for growing but some hate it. All and all if you want fast grows with the least amount of work in the fastest timew then you go aero then hydro. Soil is good for a very first grow to see how the process works and MG can go both ways but for me and my mom plants its always only MG moisture control only

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
soil is the hardest to do properly and takes longer and does not yield as well as other options. that said soil grows with proper soils produce finished bud better than any other source period but most dont know how to work it. personally im doing hempy stye grows as im outdoor now. soil in containers gets to hot mainly because of density. hempy is a soil hybrid depending on how you look at it imo.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah the vermiculite and perlite wick up the bottom two inches of the resevoir in whatever bucket you use very simple very effective. i was skeptical but have harvested some grows this way its the best of both worlds i plan at some point to incorporate soil and or coco in a hybrid hempy system.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I had asked before question about hempy grows in a hempy thread but ended up every hempy grower for some reason had issues and was just a dick. Id ask how to do something or why it was set it was and they all got offended so i kind of got the impression you had to be a dick to grow hempy style...glad you didnt follow suit thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I bought some MG potting soil. I noticed today that there are a bunch of tiny time release capsules full of ferts in the soil. I know that the ferts are not potent, but will this cause a problem later on down the road? As we speak, I have 15 seeds in this soil.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You should germ the seeds before planting always as it gives better results and faster. Which MG did you buy? If its MG moisture control just do not fertilize for 2 months then go t a flower/bllom mix. No nitrogen will be needed and use ph 6.8 water to water with to prevent ph or nute lock outs


Well-Known Member
nay salt build up..can flush if needed..if environment is a little harsh you have to water more..and more you water..the more you feeding it..more likely to cause nute burn but this is just my feelings..people HAVE grown plants succesfully with this product


Active Member
re: MG, I do ghetto grows, 4X2 shoplite,
daybulbs, switch to cool white at 1212,
big 50lb $8 bag of MG, flush / water
every 2X days, when flowering every day,
add Schultz 4 flowering, no burn, no problems
hear the ph on MG is off ... but it works for me


Well-Known Member
I am not using the moisture control, I am using just basic MG potting soil. I was afraid to use the moisture control soil for fear it would do something bad to my seeds.......lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
nope I personally tried 8 soild from MG and only found the Moisture control to be suitable to me. I never plant seeds that havent been germinated first as you get better turn out germing first