Yeah...I'm an Lp suck me me dance...Watch Trudeau Dance

Don't sweat the small.stuff mojjjjo
I like you... can we be friends:hump:

Why is the common sense talk nawing at your mind.... ok here's something that will help ya relax

Boycott boycott boycott:cool: see I can be cool like you guys
The goat has the licence to drive though...we be fucked now.....he was all ready to leave and with this news of him being unwanted ...LOOK what you made him do.

He was bringing you free fertilizer as well.

naww...he is supplying the LP's...its a match made in heaven...;))

Still not sure why the LP wanna be is here and happy about being poisoned.
Really not to sure why he feels that being poisoned is a good thing and the fact he thinks we all should be poisoned is well.... :-D;)(: