Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

Who knows how to keep the pink hairs when harvesting and curing?.. first year with pink hairs..
This doesn't belong in this thread. it's a thread to help people with bud worm (caterpillar) problems.

Anyone else been using spinosad and BT this year?
heynow riu. I'm in need of some help. i saw a bud worm on my purple gorilla yesterday. and then this morning i found 2 more on my grape ape plant. So i came here and started reading this thread. About 8 pages in I said oh shit i better do something fast. So i ran outback mixed up a gallon of azamax and drenched my 8 beautiful girls. Then, soon as I was finished, i remembered how just 2 days ago i hurried and put stakes in the ground and hung a tarp over my patch, because I was warned i could get bud rot from just a little bit of rain. So now I'm worried I might get bud rot from the azamax drench.

Are all of my buds going to rot now, because I drenched them?

Did I really even need to worry after only seeing 3 stupid worms?

If my buds survive the drench are they going to taste or smell like azamax?

I read FDD and Potroast say in this thread that they foliar spray there plants closer to havest than i am right now.
How do you spray this late in budding and avoid budrot?
heynow riu. I'm in need of some help. i saw a bud worm on my purple gorilla yesterday. and then this morning i found 2 more on my grape ape plant. So i came here and started reading this thread. About 8 pages in I said oh shit i better do something fast. So i ran outback mixed up a gallon of azamax and drenched my 8 beautiful girls. Then, soon as I was finished, i remembered how just 2 days ago i hurried and put stakes in the ground and hung a tarp over my patch, because I was warned i could get bud rot from just a little bit of rain. So now I'm worried I might get bud rot from the azamax drench.

Are all of my buds going to rot now, because I drenched them?

Did I really even need to worry after only seeing 3 stupid worms?

If my buds survive the drench are they going to taste or smell like azamax?

I read FDD and Potroast say in this thread that they foliar spray there plants closer to havest than i am right now.
How do you spray this late in budding and avoid budrot?

Rinse the plants in a day or two, in the morning, on asunny day.

They should be fine.
Heynow, thanks for the advice VG. I did read about BT in this thread, but I already had the Azamax. And the Azamax booklet says it kills budworms and everything else. So i just went with what I had. I went out back this morning and it seems to have all dried up already. No BUDROT yet. I guess the reason I got really worried, is bcs I sprayed My indoor garden with the Azamax a couple weeks ago and got budrot in a few different places on a couple of plants. I can't lose my backyard babies, they're to big and beautiful.

So now my questions are

You said rinse the plants, Do you mean with my hose or PHed water in the sprayer?

How late into budding can I spray my babies without having to worry about BUDROT?
All the way until the day of harvest, like Potroast said in this thread?

If so how come everyone here in NorCal is warning me to tarp up, everytime it spits?
or else I'll get BUDROT, thats what I've been told 10x now in the last month.

Last year in Delaware my outdoor girls went through 2 severe storms, almost back to back, literally right before I harvested them. No BUDROT anywhere on them. A stupid slug did get to one of my plants though. I still smoked that shit though. It tasted better than the mexican dirt and it was free. Now i live in Santa Rosa, where its HELLA nice for sure bro.
rain is a lot different than spraying in the morning on a sunny day. your plants are dry in like an hour on a normal day. if it rains for a couple days your plants stay wet the whole time. there in lies the problems for budrot and mildew. budrots also caused by caterpillars eating through your buds and leaving shit in their path..

All the girls got a good soaking dose of BT spray again yesterday morning, thought about this video the whole time, even imitating the voice....talking to the 'pillar's, come on, get yo'self a nice big bite o' this.

I hate these little beasts, they wait until now to descend, right when things are ripe, little bastages!
Spraying with killer shot for bugs will damage buds for taste
Pick them off , and just feed azatrol or azamax in water feeds
if you use bt or spinosad and stop a week before harvest there wont be a taste because it's just an organic bacteria that evaporates off. I also spray the plants with distilled water a couple days before harvest to wash them off..
if you use bt or spinosad and stop a week before harvest there wont be a taste because it's just an organic bacteria that evaporates off. I also spray the plants with distilled water a couple days before harvest to wash them off..

that's the plan, to rinse this saturday, in the morning so they'll dry, then a week to harvest, at least on the one plant that's ready. most of them have at least another three weeks to go, three llllooooonnnnnggggg weeks! Last year's shit is running out!

:peace: DT
why in the world would you do that?????? i would seriously like to see you do it. I think it would be funny.:wall: and a lil dee dee dee !

Why not, i'd smoke those fuckers, just think about what they eat. They prolly eat all the good shit from the buds. Hell i'd give em' a puff.
i sprayed my two girls with BT a week ago and since then i've just been manually checking it found a sick looking one today on a leaf. im harvesting one this weekend and spraying the other one once more. dam worms got me tripn. dont want to lose more budsss!
this is a bud of the girl im chopn on sunday.
Do you think that those hairs are all turning brown bcs of damage from a punk ass budworm? Or do you think they are turning bcs of the insect spray? Or is just that the plant is maturing and they are supposed to be dying.

The reason I ask is bcs two days ago I saw a couple budworm, so I sprayed the plants down with the recommended medium dose of Azamax. Now 2 days later, almost every white hair everywhere is dying. I also fed them the recommended medium dose of Budda Bloom, But these are big girls, so I figured they'd have no probs.

If all my white hairs die, should I chop down my plants?

Also I found another budworm chomping down on my Hog today, 2 days after spraying with Azamax. I'm going to buy that BT today.
I've noticed they go brown out a bit faster where there has been worm activity... maybe it's just me. They're supposed to turn brown though, don't trip.
It's because they fcked that area up. You'll notie that it's dry and clumpy. I pulled my clumps out, picked the crap out, and they are recovering.
Yes think about it tho, like huge farming for veggies. Do you want to produce medicine that has been sprayed. Even though it's 'safer or organics like
Just pick them bugs off, feed in waterings
Tag affect buds and check every day
I found one on top of my main cola last week. haven't seen any more. 2 weeks til harvest, just I just not worry about it at this point? Will FF's Don't Bug Me work?