Well-Known Member
my bottle says use within 24 hours.
Thanks...will the water in BT cause a GH jungle fire ? I saw yours and I'm starting to get scared it may happen to me
my bottle says use within 24 hours.
make sure to spray at sundown or just before sunrise so that the sun does not cause that combustion. same goes for neem.Thanks...will the water in BT cause a GH jungle fire ? I saw yours and I'm starting to get scared it may happen to me
Your attachment looks like the eggs I occasionally find when trimming. Some are in clusters of 10 to 30 eggs. I rarel;y find a live worm, because I spray Bt every few weeks. Although I don't recommend it, I've found left over mixed Bt to still be effective for a month or more if kept in a cool sunless place(my garden shed).Ok......... i tried to read the whole thread.
Is there a post which shows the eggs of these worms?
yup.......I got pissed too....I said fuck the preying mantis' and started blasting my plants with the BT too.....the praying mantis' were slackin.....probably gettin all high off the worms and getting couchlock lolAlright guys, so after having to chop 2 plants because of those damn worms/caterpillars I decided to take it upon myself and give up on the Mantises to solve my problem and utterly hosed the shit out of my plants. I mixed up 2.5 Tbsp of BT per gal and hosed my plants 4 separate times with the final tally at 4gallons of BT water total. After doing so I figured I am most likely going to have to run something over my plants to battle rot/PM but Im sick of these little fucks eating up all my colas...did I fuck up rampaging like I did or what.
Im in a GH and I sprayed at 9 at night to allow the leaves to soak up all the kill juice !!
yup.......I got pissed too....I said fuck the preying mantis' and started blasting my plants with the BT too.....the praying mantis' were slackin.....probably gettin all high off the worms and getting couchlock lol
lol yeah.....I can't find the worms because there are in my other garden out by the edge of my fence where there is no light at night.....navigating out there with a flashlight is a bitch lol.......but in my halfass GH I don't see any worms.....I have one Armenian Cucumber plant outside the GH an when I water it I get bit buy some little white/light green bug every now and again feels just like you said....a pinch.......sometimes I water in my boxers and my legs get lol. did you pay for the lady bugs?? I found a bunch in my grass when I let it grow too tall and brought them in the GH.....and I found all my preying mantis' on the surrounding vegetation near my home lolThose worms are so fucking small I dont think there chinky bugs eyes can even see them wiggling around. I found some that were normal caterpillar size so I no for damn sure they've been in there a while because of how small they start to how big I find them...arrgh i wanna use pesticides but I don't want to kill the lady beetles or the mantis's
Dude have you ever had an aphid bite you cause I keep getting white or green specs that bite my ass while im doing work in the GH. I feel a pinch on my arms now and again and then I see those specs trying to suck my blood or some shit. Bastards are relentless.
lol yeah.....I can't find the worms because there are in my other garden out by the edge of my fence where there is no light at night.....navigating out there with a flashlight is a bitch lol.......but in my halfass GH I don't see any worms.....I have one Armenian Cucumber plant outside the GH an when I water it I get bit buy some little white/light green bug every now and again feels just like you said....a pinch.......sometimes I water in my boxers and my legs get lol. did you pay for the lady bugs?? I found a bunch in my grass when I let it grow too tall and brought them in the GH.....and I found all my preying mantis' on the surrounding vegetation near my home lol
lol the other day I found a 3 inch preying mantis and introduced him to the garden.....he is a beast....I caught him when he was snacking on a huge grasshopper lol......I can't find him now though.....I don't think the beneficial insects like us spraying stuff while they are on the plants......but who gives a shit lol....I foliar feed every morning so I think I ran off most of the preying mantis now lol. that is a weird trade though haha. ppl would think outdoor growers are crazy hippies because we are so intact with nature lol....I don't think the BT or snowstorm kills the beneficials....i just think they don't like itI bought 2 egg sacks for the mantises and the lady beetles found there way into my GH but they aren't eating fast enough to totally eradicate the biters but then again I don't have them bad I just know their there cause I can feel them pricking me every now and again. I found a 2 inch Mantis by my fly bag and threw him into the GH and today I traded my GF's father weed for a mantis also 2 inches haha. ( weird trade ) but I am not sure if the BT or the Snow storm kills the beneficial bugsbut who knows. I find the mantis skins every now and again so I know they're there and they are growing. The bigger one tho is no where to be found but he is green so I probably wont see him in a 16x10 GH lol.
Please DONT use neem oil on your buds. It is safe for fruiting plants only up to a certain number of days before harvest and you can not wash it off of cannabis after harvesting like most fruits, Plus you are expected to eat the fruit not smoke it. Neem leaves are safe to eat if you are not pregnant or trying to convince but but neem extracts are a whole different thing and there is not research on how safe it is to smoke.Use neem oil. It's safe for fruiting plants which means it won't kill you if you spray it on the buds.
Yeah I thought it was all cool....just saw a couple butterflies every now and then......and the BLAM!! one of my plants got almost DEVOURED in like 5 days.....I went instantly to the local nursery and bought some BT for like 6.50......I had to start blasting with Neem recently because I started getting rust(fungus) on my leaves......The Neem worked last time so I hope it does again....I am going to keep applying BT and and Neem(alternating mind you) up until 3 weeks into flowering....and then I'm gonna just keep blasting the BT until I feel "safe" lolOrdered some Safer BT online today. There's just way too many moths around here at night for me not to take any precautions. The worms must die!
If you have moths or butterflies around those tree frogs will stick with ya......I know when I was mulching yesterday I saw a bunch of them trying to catch butterflies lol.....I love nature soothing.Caught a bunch of little tree frogs tonight and let them go on my plants. They probably won't stick around, but maybe one or two might.
I'm just trying to help my plants out in any way I can.
They come on to my window at night. The light attracts the moths and they come to chow down, lol.If you have moths or butterflies around those tree frogs will stick with ya......I know when I was mulching yesterday I saw a bunch of them trying to catch butterflies lol.....I love nature soothing.