Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

can you take a picture of what the eggs look like by any chance please? I useally dont spot them untill there is damage which then is easy to notice where they are. thanks
the super hoops sounds like a good idea, but honestly its not big enough...check out my pic on page 106 of this thread...if you like what you see, all you would need is the mosquito net (COGHLAN'S Mesh Mosquito Net)and bamboo stakes. About $25 altogether.

the fabric roll looks could possibly build a frame and line it with that....i've thought of doing it with wood or pvc and build a frame large enough to enclose a few plants. Maybe next season :)
can you take a picture of what the eggs look like by any chance please? I useally dont spot them untill there is damage which then is easy to notice where they are. thanks

This is what they looked like on my plants.


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So is the powder form or the liquid the way to go?

Either. The liquid is easier to apply. When you use the dust, you need to make sure the plant is damp so spray in the very early morning or late in the evening and wet her with a fine mist if she needs it prior to dusting. I use the Safer's. It's more expensive but easier to apply (IMO).
i tried this and all my bud (350g+) becames crap. i would not recommend it....last resort definitely. Your bud will be noticeably different with less aroma.

BEWARE of this hydrogen peroxide bath as recommend by J Cervantes...if that has been successful with other growers, i would inquire on their recipe and compare to Cervantes

90% of my out door harvest has been completed after this method. The peroxide 3% will do nothing on tast and aroma. If you do it the minute you harvest and then completley dry the dripping water then there is no problem. The only way it would have turned your crop would have been from mold which you didnt dry properly after or you left it in too long. Either way if you do it right you come out with a 1000% better quality. Who wants to smoke powdery mildew hash. I dont. These spores if not taken out will always be in your product. Not good medicine if you ask me
I've recently found a couple of budworms on one of my babies, now I'm worried. They're within a couple of weeks of finishing, so I don't feel comfortable spraying them with anything. I'm picking over the buds meticulously trying to find any others before they can do any more damage on a daily basis to get through the last couple of weeks.
Has anyone tried soaking their fresh cut buds in a salt water bath?
I soak my brocoli and other veggies in it and the little green worms (and any other bugs) die pretty quickly and are easily rinsed away. Not that this would be better than than finding the little bastards and disposing of them properly, or better yet, preventing them from happening in the first place, but a method of getting rid of any that might make it through the harvest.
I'm already going to have to rinse them good after picking, the little piss ants here have been bad this year, and I see a few here and there that are stuck in the resinous goo on my bud.
Just an idea, anyone tried it?
Outdoors, I bathe my plants several times a week until the buds become too dense, about half way through blooming. This makes a huge difference in the finished products. As Jorge said, "not too hard of a spray". Just rinse them off. This has the added benefit of strengthening the stems before the bud weight gets too heavy to support. And the planrs love it.
i dont get it, if bt is used when the catpillier/bud worm eats it, how is it a preventative if the bug already exsist

ive used safer brand bt on mines, havent seen any live or dead adult ones yet, seen eggs today though, took about 40-45 mins looking at each branch carefully, plucking them off, they hide underneath the top/main colas a lot, bastards wanna ruin your best looking buds

from here on in i guess i gotta look for eggs everyday, gonna spray some bt tommorrow too,there about a month more or less, hopefully i can save 90% ish percent of my crop i just think one of those bastards will sneak through and lay eggs and all that, prob take out a few branches

******just to be sure the eggs are from the moths and not any worms themselves, again i havent seen any live or dead ones on my buds
A fine mist is OK until the last week of September, or later if you know there is a major infestation. Jorge's H2O2 wash is a good idea if you need to spray later.
You use "stuff" to kill the eggs. This stuff will do both. Its not harmful to humans. Next time start with neem oil from the beginning (preventive) then switch to this 2 months into the cycle.
i dont get it, if bt is used when the catpillier/bud worm eats it, how is it a preventative if the bug already exsist

ive used safer brand bt on mines, havent seen any live or dead adult ones yet, seen eggs today though, took about 40-45 mins looking at each branch carefully, plucking them off, they hide underneath the top/main colas a lot, bastards wanna ruin your best looking buds

from here on in i guess i gotta look for eggs everyday, gonna spray some bt tommorrow too,there about a month more or less, hopefully i can save 90% ish percent of my crop i just think one of those bastards will sneak through and lay eggs and all that, prob take out a few branches

******just to be sure the eggs are from the moths and not any worms themselves, again i havent seen any live or dead ones on my buds
Use this mid july to 3 weeks pre harvest or 2 weeks even one week pre harvest - depending on your needs. Chill out - you will always have to deal with bugs, pest, insects - when going the outdoor route. I use the method I mentioned and get little insect, bug, catapillar problems. Today I rounded up a grass hoper and shot some direct spray

and killed him. Organic pesticides are the best. The two products I mentioned contain the main ingredient that many sell under COMMERCIAL HYDRO STORE name and mark up.
One question about BT - my bottle says to reapply after rain but I'm fairly sure I remember reading somewhere that BT is still on the leaves after a rain. What is the truth? I applied BT to my plant yesterday and it rained today pretty hard for two or three hours, is this enough to wash off the BT?
Yes. You need to reapply. The same with Spinosad. I missed that once and had to reapply. I now watch the weather closely and only spray when a few days of clear weather are expected.
You use "stuff" to kill the eggs. This stuff will do both. Its not harmful to humans. Next time start with neem oil from the beginning (preventive) then switch to this 2 months into the cycle.

i always wondered what can kill eggs becuase they can take up to 3 weeks to hatch. Wesbrook, thats why you still seeing hatchlings coming out of your bud...i've been there...

search on to find a retailer and spoke with a store rep...pyrethrin is the main ingredient here that kills was explained to me that is like a "birth control"'ll keep eggs from hatching.

so any product with pyrethrin should work just make sure the these bastards are listed under the insects/eggs they kill...

i'll definitely pick up a bottle of this!

I was just curious what is usually expected in weight from each plant at that size and variety? I have some that look pretty similar in height and appearance, and am hoping for at least an ounce or more off each. What's your guess at this point?