yeah, its my first post, get off my nuts


Active Member
Thanks everyone. Cowboylogic's information helped answer a lot of the real basic questions I had and should help me get started.

As for a few more details, I do plan on growing outdoors as I have no space in the house i'm living in that would be safe to grow the plant(s). The plan is to get about 4 plants to maturation, so I'll probably plant about 10 and hope for the best. I live in Wisconsin and a lot of good bud is grown here so I should be able to get some good seeds for not too much dough. Mostly I'm growing just for recreational use so to speak, I don't plan on dealing and no I definitely do not intend to tell a soul about the fact that I'm starting a small garden.
One more quick question, does the period before the plant flowers make a real big difference in weed quality? I am really sick of paying way too much for my weed but I sure as hell am not going to stop smoking for 6 months while I wait for my plants to grow. If I gave it 12 hours of light a day as that little pamphlet suggested, hopefully having buds ready to strip from the plant in 2.5-3 months, will I end up with real shitty weed? If that's the case I will give more light and be patient but if I can even just get some decent weed within that 2.5-3 month period I would rather do that, at least with my first attempt at a crop.

Thanks everyone for the help/warnings, I'll probably be sticking around here for a while:bigjoint: lookin forward to discussing shit with you all.
sounds like an auto flowering bud would be great for you. maybe lowryder


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. Cowboylogic's information helped answer a lot of the real basic questions I had and should help me get started.

As for a few more details, I do plan on growing outdoors as I have no space in the house i'm living in that would be safe to grow the plant(s). The plan is to get about 4 plants to maturation, so I'll probably plant about 10 and hope for the best. I live in Wisconsin and a lot of good bud is grown here so I should be able to get some good seeds for not too much dough. Mostly I'm growing just for recreational use so to speak, I don't plan on dealing and no I definitely do not intend to tell a soul about the fact that I'm starting a small garden.
One more quick question, does the period before the plant flowers make a real big difference in weed quality? I am really sick of paying way too much for my weed but I sure as hell am not going to stop smoking for 6 months while I wait for my plants to grow. If I gave it 12 hours of light a day as that little pamphlet suggested, hopefully having buds ready to strip from the plant in 2.5-3 months, will I end up with real shitty weed? If that's the case I will give more light and be patient but if I can even just get some decent weed within that 2.5-3 month period I would rather do that, at least with my first attempt at a crop.

Thanks everyone for the help/warnings, I'll probably be sticking around here for a while:bigjoint: lookin forward to discussing shit with you all.

sheboygan :o 20 minutes away from me..

I just order Auto flowers from Attitude, they got to me in 5 bussiness day's ( not sure if your planing on ordering seeds, but since im in wisconsin, i figured i would tell you how long they took to get here )

And, i wouldnt put anything outdoors this time of year, unless you want to come back to nothing :(

60-65 is over priced by the way, $50 an 8th all day everyday.


You got that did you? Try Google for guide to growing MJ or growing MJ guide. I found a printable book on how to grow and it has all the basics and even some stuff I haven't easily come across here. I thought about it for 20 plus years until I had the perfect conditions to do it stealthfully. Read heavly on the risks and the costs to lessen those risks like, can you vent smell outside? or if outside can you check on them without leaving a trail or being noticed? Do you have a place to seafly dry,cure and store the stinkey shit? Will you be there with them for 3-4 months for watering,feeding,cleaning bad leaves and checking for bugs? Give 2 spider mites 2 days unnoticed and you got problems.Will you have minimum company or neighbors visiting? at least until you have the smell contained. I sugest you look at the NORMAL web page for the MJ laws in your state and decide for yourself iif it is worth it.Remember this is the ONLY place you should talk about it no matter how tempting and NEVER NEVER NEVER tell a girlfriend.


Active Member
im using an aerogarden and so far its been idiot proof. i'm 42 days in and about to send them to flower so we'll see if it stays idiot proof. i've never grown before and i found the information in this sight is everything you need to know. and if its not here already, just ask.


Well-Known Member
lol at the guy that said 50 an eighth
I can get bomb digity kush, and I mean it smells so fucking sweet and good.. Nice hard dense nugs, busts nice, gets you nice and ripped.
$35 an eigth, 70 a quarter..


So yeah, I found this site after being fucking fed up with bullshit prices and getting taxed paying 60-65 for a eighth every time. Everyone I talked to says "Dude, you gotta get into growing,"
I'm interested in getting started but I've never even grown a carrot let alone mary jane. I'm not asking for a complete guide here but if someone could point me in the right direction, of where to look on this site that would be tight. Remember I'm COMPLETELY new at growing ANYTHING. I of course tried reading through some stuff on my own but I got lost somewhere around pH balancing, lol. There are a few terms I don't understand like the the types of soil and shit. BTW this site seems like a chill place and I hope I get to know some people here, thanks in advance guys.
Personally I would recommend the book "Marijuana Buds for Less by SeeMoreBudds". It's in book stores. It helped me a lot. It is step by step instructions. From building a light setup, to germinating, to watering. Each page is one day, so everyday you just turn to the next page and follow his instructions and watering regiment. But you should follow all of his steps, I skipped a few and it screwed shit up.


lol at the guy that said 50 an eighth
I can get bomb digity kush, and I mean it smells so fucking sweet and good.. Nice hard dense nugs, busts nice, gets you nice and ripped.
$35 an eigth, 70 a quarter..
Up here I get decent hydro for $25 an eighth, and $50 a quarter. I wouldn't describe it as "bomb", but it's nice and dense with a pineapple type smell to it. The only problem is he's always selling out, so I have to wait until his next few plants are finished drying out.


Active Member
So yeah, I found this site after being fucking fed up with bullshit prices and getting taxed paying 60-65 for a eighth every time. Everyone I talked to says "Dude, you gotta get into growing,"
I'm interested in getting started but I've never even grown a carrot let alone mary jane. I'm not asking for a complete guide here but if someone could point me in the right direction, of where to look on this site that would be tight. Remember I'm COMPLETELY new at growing ANYTHING. I of course tried reading through some stuff on my own but I got lost somewhere around pH balancing, lol. There are a few terms I don't understand like the the types of soil and shit. BTW this site seems like a chill place and I hope I get to know some people here, thanks in advance guys.
basics are my friend ..................
& FRESH AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
read a begginers grow guide there are zillions in google :)


Active Member
Up here I get decent hydro for $25 an eighth, and $50 a quarter. I wouldn't describe it as "bomb", but it's nice and dense with a pineapple type smell to it. The only problem is he's always selling out, so I have to wait until his next few plants are finished drying out.
cool tagg ""Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?" " quality :)


Active Member
You got that did you? Try Google for guide to growing MJ or growing MJ guide. I found a printable book on how to grow and it has all the basics and even some stuff I haven't easily come across here. I thought about it for 20 plus years until I had the perfect conditions to do it stealthfully. Read heavly on the risks and the costs to lessen those risks like, can you vent smell outside? or if outside can you check on them without leaving a trail or being noticed? Do you have a place to seafly dry,cure and store the stinkey shit? Will you be there with them for 3-4 months for watering,feeding,cleaning bad leaves and checking for bugs? Give 2 spider mites 2 days unnoticed and you got problems.Will you have minimum company or neighbors visiting? at least until you have the smell contained. I sugest you look at the NORMAL web page for the MJ laws in your state and decide for yourself iif it is worth it.Remember this is the ONLY place you should talk about it no matter how tempting and NEVER NEVER NEVER tell a girlfriend.
a women scourned lol :) .......................never ever feckin tell em


Start small too many failures are because people shoot for the moon on their first attempt. Learn to grow and ask yourself everyday if their is anything you can do for your plants. Indoors you are god and you must supply every need and treat your plants like you would a infant. Once you achieve a couple successfull small harvests then you (if necessary) can shoot for the moon and expand. The most important thing is security and second is genitics. If you start with shit you will most likely end up with shit. 10 years ago when I knew little I would travel 5 hours each way and pay 500 for a flat of clones, now I give them freely or at cost to help others out. You dont need a big pretty expensive system to grow good pot. ( but it helps). Start small with a small investment and see if it is for you before spending your life savings . Stay safe and good luck bra !!!!