With so many factors combining, I think something is going to happen in 2012. Not sure what.
The earth is gearing up some badass natural disaters, people are disgruntled, it wouldn't take much for a disease to explode across the planet killing people.
I think life as we know it will end, no, that doesn't mean life will end, just life as we are accustomed to it. I wouldn't be surprised if something killed off over half the people on the planet.
It makes me think of a rubber band, when you wind one up on a toy. You get to the point where it is so tightly wound that you can just barely wind it, but you keep winding it, carefully all the while holding your breath hoping that you don't go a little to far and break it.
That is where the earth is, we're in those final twists.
why do so many people fear an unknown force in the future?,yet so many different possibilities.
Some say nibiru,or mayan calender,comet,asteroid,polar shift,stripping of the atmosphere by coronal mass ejection,magnetic feild reversal by C.M.E,a shift in concious to a higher vibration,WW3,nuclear annihilation,climate collapse,jesus,,all number of natural disasters,alien invasion,false flag alien invasion i.e project bluebook,new world order.etc
but to see it the way i see it(not just me plenty of people you know who you are) you first have to know where you are, and what the nature of the universe and time are, then it all becomes clear, the universe and time are everything, it is every possibility, there is no end, the universe and time are one and it was all created at once, time was created from the begining til the end all at once, you have already died, infinite times ,in all of the infinite ways, all the paths of time exist side by side this is what gives you free will, the ability to choose. so you have to ask yourself what do you believe,what do you create for yourself?, if you believe in psychics then you probably ask yourself 'why are they different?' psychics themselves often believe that they are in someway special or magic,think about all of the different 'supernatural' things people talk about,are any of them real?some of them?all?the only thing that sets them apart is what we believe.if we all start believing that in 2012 we will all turn into frogs and fly of into space on moonbeams forever,then it will happen if we all truly believe it,but we cannot truly believe anything,because we only believe what we are told to believe.
People used to be very shortsighted,nobody 50 years ago could fathom the world we live in,just like the people 100 years ago couldnt fathom the world of 50 years ago,we however are farsighted and can see many possibilities and fear what will happen,we live in a time when we can see the possibility of doctors making us live forever,we can fathom the end of the world,everything fells like we are hitting a breaking point, and its simply because our many beliefs are creating a merging of the pathways of time,and it looks as if we will choose 2012
p.s.this smoke is killa