
hi all these are my 5 barneys farm blue cheese femenized theyre now into day 4 since turning 12/12 theyre under 600 watt hps in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 metre grow tent theyre in 25 litre pots any isdeas how much yeild ill get off em any input appreciated as its my first grow i have nothing to compare em too thankyou21032011205.jpg


it all depends on how good you take care of your plants, the enviroment, and fixing problems as soon as they arise, you cant predict yield.unlesss you grown that strain before and now the ins and outs of your plant
any rough guesses ? any1 else grown this strain? the website said high yeild 500 gram per square metre but that doesnt really help though lol
I see a crowded space. Count the plants, x about .60 oz's each maybe if u are real real lucky. U will get crappy side production and only the ones at the very top will be good and if big , those will be the only ones big. Not enough room to get much but the very tops to make bud in that tight space, Trim trim trim out the light blockers and u will have some bud. Guessing around 13 oz's if you are doing everything else well.. Ph, ppm, co2, Humidity, Also if your rh is over 60% u will get the buds I said and at the end that tight space will give u what u don't want, bud rot and molds... So u might just get nothing but an electric bill.. So many things to think about.. Gl....

any1 please
dude i think the look awesome but im kinda a noob. ur only 4 days into flower, those things are gonna get big quick.

Like Surviveors mentioned, getting the light to all of the plant is a big issue with such a canopy and only a 600w. If i could suggest only one thing to you it would be to build some cfl lights and get em down low under the canopy, even on the floor pointing up. u can sit them in the plant pot or bucket if u rly wanted, they stay pretty cool. Also the humidity, once again like surviveors mentioned, u need to get that lower in my personal opinion. i like it a slight bit dryer. around 40% rather than 50. check out my picks in my grow journal to gt some CFL light ideas. Mine will actually be dropped way down low with 2k above them. Just try to get the humidity down and get some fresh air it or Co2 generator.

Like I said, I am a noob but i think you'll get closer to 20 O's, Onions, Zip, Donut, whatever you wanna call em of nice dried bud. i wanna hear the smoke report. Love me some cheeze

