Yellow and curling baby plants


New Member
Please help very new planted 2 femerized bubblicious plants and one other not sure free seed any way the oldest plant is a week yesterday in dirt tent 2x4x7 ft. 4in . Inline cooling light 600 watt sodium in cool tube 250 cfm in line fan cooling tent temP at 79 humidity 42 ....used mass hole fox farm and root organic ...18/6 for light plant is starting to yellow and curl up please help
Looks like a deficiency or nute burn. Did you water it in with fertilizers, or pre-treat the soil with ferts? Have you used any fertilizers up to this point at all? Also, what is your growing medium?

Depending on your answers to those questions, this could be the result of overfeeding, overwatering, pretty much about anything.


New Member
I'm new at this I'm going to guess growing med is soils I used 3 diffrentone root organic fox farm aND mass hole fert. No pre treat either


New Member
Ok so these plants where in mass hole soil only until yesterday when I mixed all three then put them in bigger pot but did that because of current issue