Yellow bananas! Quick question


Woke up this AM to find my TNR haze has loads of tiny yellow bananas in the buds:twisted:...6 weeks into flower. Question is..will this hermie spread pollen? I dont want this obviously cause of other plants in there. I have removed it from the room and will wait for replies. Thank you in advance!
yes they spread pollen...if you can see the flowers than the pollen is probably airborn....if all the plants are six weeks and they are 8 week finishers then you should be fine takes a month for seeds to develop. Try to find out why they hermed.
good luck
In short, yes the pollen will spread and hit your other plants. Good that you got it out of there as soon as you noticed, but still, be careful what you touch, how you move, etc after being near the pollen. Keep it for beans and some OK smoke, or just kill it and get rid of it, but keep it away from any true females. You may also consider washing the grow area real good, just in case.
Thanks, friends! I will wash the place down 2day! This sucks cause I got a 4 week Blueberry and a 3 week SAGE in there also. Oh well.......................
Wash those two plants off with clean water. Soak them down really good, they will dry out. I've had to do this before and it helps. Get as much pollen off as possible....