yellow blotches on leaves


Growing a single female, about 3 weeks into flowering, using foxfarm bigbloom/tigerbloom/growbig regimen and seem to be experiencing some sort of deficiency. pics attached. any ideas? im thinking maybe Mg? foliar spray leaves bottoms daily with tap water and my tap water is pretty hard.0310131714.jpg0310131714a.jpg0310131716.jpg0310131715a.jpg


Well-Known Member
Overfeeding would be the root cause of all this.

The dark green, dry crispy feeling surface is an obvious sign that you need to flush the excess nitrogen out of the soil. I get this when my plants need re-potting and need to be watered everyday with soil containing natural fertilizers.


thanks for the quick response, do the leaves recover from this or remain damaged? how long does it take to see results?


Well-Known Member
The burned spots will remain burned, but don't pluck the leaves. They hold nutrients the plants need. If the plant doesn't need the leaf it will fall off.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick response, do the leaves recover from this or remain damaged? how long does it take to see results?
Leaves are expendable on a plant. They don't heal but they won't drop off if they still serve a purpose. You Judge the new growth surface; It should be soft, not dry and it should be around the same shade of green as it was as a seedling

Cut your nutes to 1/4 of what you were feeding. Near N deficiency is 10x better than near N toxicity.