Yellow Burnt Looking Tips on Clones HELP

So...I started groing some clones.
heres the setup.

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
600 Watt HPS

So.....The clones are doing growth is good, but some of the leaves have yellow tips. It looks kind of like nutient burn but I havent added any yet.

Any help?



Well-Known Member
It's normal for clones to yellow slightly when they start going roots.
I don't see anything to get worried about. :peace:


Active Member
Mine look similar atm not quit as much burn on the tips but my clones have the sam pattern and so on, they are still growing upward but the roots are exploding out of the netcup the last couple days, glad to hear thats its ok for the clones to yellow a little i was stressing as well
i do understand that clones yellow.

thats not what i am worried about though.

i figured it out though. i believe it was heat stress fro my light. i raised it yesterday and hopefully that fixes the problem