Yellow edges on small seedlings, soil-less mix, 3 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Yes you have to have a fan blowing at all times! Maybe not as hard when the light is off but I still have it blowing on low~ I fed my babies yesterday day, the ones in rock wool got about 500 ppms the ones in ffof got plain water. The ffof is like 2 days older but looks much better!
Picture 278.jpgPicture 276.jpgPicture 282.jpgPicture 275.jpg
Picture 281.jpg


Well-Known Member
im talking about how your giving wrong info:
It's defiantly nute burn! 900 ppm is a lot for a little plant you should be
feeding more like 500 ppms every other watering/feedings .
... did you know mj can survive with 2500ppm??? do you know what nute burn is? you havent convinced me of your knowledge at all.

maybe 900ppm is too strong for your set up cuz your using FF, but he doesn't have the same setup as you. i know he doesn't use FF because that seedling would've burned and his other plant would have never shown these deficiencies to start with.

and seriously you dont know what im talking about?!?! i was saying here are my references, and i asked where are yours, you said:
IDK what info your talking about but all knowledge come from experience and youtube videos
well its your youtube videos and a ghetto closet grow vs the grow bible, my botany books, and 4years experience... I've been helping people here fix problems for a bit, and i only started giving advice after i read some books and experienced them(and fixed them), and i only post when im sure of the problem and its cause

so you get your info from youtube:shock::o:cry:.... and you convinced this guy that its right... thats just sad no offense but i can make some youtube videos too, anyone can. its a shame all my experience and reading of books(and studies) has been less convincing then youtube.

to start with i highly reccomened the grow bible since you said you didnt know what i was talking about that should keep you going in the right direction from now on..


Well-Known Member
Both you and ghetto give some weak ass info sometimes but its called a discussion and no one is right or wrong, the grower can take whatever advice he wants and thats his poragative and his plants, dont believe everything that is written on the internet!

Do you two wana back that crap up, personally it dosent matter but Ghetto your plants in soil are looking like they have had enough ferts for a while and snowball you have a lot to learn to, i started with the bible and many others, at the end of the day they are confusing and misguided up until the point you learn to grow and then you finally understand what they were trying to say all along but by that time you dont need them no more, waste of time just like all them nute deficiency charts, i cant use any of that stuff, not to say that i havent.

Try holding a discussion and not a whos better at growing! Peace
HEY finally a good update! Well i know you guys all think i'm a newb grower but im not i have done 4 indoor grows, and 2 outdoor grows before, just this time i decided to try this new line of nutes and new soil, well today i went and bought a big bag of fox farm ocean forrest which has always worked great for me and im so pissed that i didn't buy it the first time, but several hours later now and they all look happier, greener, and perkier. I'm so happy. Definately the dry soil helped alot, when i transplanted the roots were so small and pathetic, I must have been drowning them ever since i began to try and fix the defiencey or whatever it was. But the new soil is great and im so happy.
See look these were some ok buds, i've grown much better though- Sensi Star has been my all time favorite i grew 6 generations of her. Sadly she is gone now, fucking cops busted my best grow i ever had going.

Sadly this was the last picture i ever took of my last grow, 2 days before the cops came and raided me, luckily i was able to chop everything up and flush it down the toilet/bury it in the backyard before they had the warrant. I was expecting around 1 pound total, minimum. I had my 400w hps on the left and 400w MH on the right, i was trying to test the difference in potency between the two specturms, and i also had a UVB bulb in the middle, so the sensi star plant in the middle was recieving equal amounts of HPS, MH, and UVB rays. I was expecting it to be the dankest thing i had ever smoked. The big girls on the left were just 3 weeks from harvest, and the clones on the right had only 6 weeks left. I also had several different experiments going on the right side with the clones, with almost every one on different advanced nutrient micronutes. it was such a sad day.....IMG_0009.jpg


Well-Known Member
In flowering i have a red and blue spectrum going at the same time, imo this is better than just the red or blue on its own, i do the same in the veg room too. I use to run just the blue spectrum bulbs for the veg but swapped half for the red spectrum giving me a full light spectrum or as close to and the plants growth was noticablly more.

One thing i will say for the red and blue spectrum watt for watt is that the blue is arguablly brighter and stronger penetration where as the red gives much fuller growth and is unfortunatly hotter than the blue, i like to mix the benifits of the both. Peace

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Plants can take 2,500 PPM?!?!?! Only if you have the right nutrients. You go try 2,500 PPM with Canna with Nirvanna AK-48 and you will have sparks and flames coming out of that room. And I think King was saying 900 PPM is to high for young plants. Not mature plants. And even if the plant could handle 2,500, that would empty out most people's wallets. But if you have good success at 2,500 PPM, then right on for you. But I will stick with my system. Which I can not understand why everyone out there does not grow exactly like I do. I never have been able to figure this out. :) ROFLMAO


Well-Known Member
Plants can take 2,500 PPM?!?!?! Only if you have the right nutrients. You go try 2,500 PPM with Canna with Nirvanna AK-48 and you will have sparks and flames coming out of that room. And I think King was saying 900 PPM is to high for young plants. Not mature plants. And even if the plant could handle 2,500, that would empty out most people's wallets. But if you have good success at 2,500 PPM, then right on for you. But I will stick with my system. Which I can not understand why everyone out there does not grow exactly like I do. I never have been able to figure this out. :) ROFLMAO
Yer 900ppm was not needed for them small plants, the soil with the starter mix and worm homous should have kept em going in those big pots and start with like 400/500ppm as a first feed when the plants ask for it not before. I might hit my seedlings with 500ppm biobizz and seaweed extract as a one off dose if they seem to struggle but i use low nutrient seedling soil for seedlings, most other soils just seem to burn seedlings.

I think the confusion over the 2500ppm is that the EC to PPM conversion varies from meter to meter, i have always heard that 1800ppm is about max for soil but you would need a big healthy plant for this. Should the meter conversion be 0.7 or whatever that is why some might see it as 2500ppm and not more like 1800ppm.

At the end of the day my meter will read ppm to ec differently to other meters and brands, ppm is for the whole unaccurate when talking from one grow to a different one, ec is way more accurate but i still decide to work in ppm as i prefer this way.

EC is multiplied by what ever the meter conversion rate is (i like 0.7) to give total ppm of final solution. Of course this means very little to knowing exactly what your plants want. If you tell some one that 2500ppm is the max and their ppm meter has a high conversion rate from ec to ppm then you could be causing some serious burns to the plant. I would personally not recomend anything over 1800ppm for plants and hope the grower will add the rest if he or she sees fit. Hope this clarifys some things. Peace


Well-Known Member
ok this is the first guy ever to tell me the advice was bad(haha and it wasnt). this is also coming from a 1st TIME GROWER. so his plant gets a little messed up... and i opened my mouth to say feed... now he over waters..... and im too blame?! get real.... study some more youtube videos lol. i'll make some for you too lol.

i said it could live with 2500, not thrive. i said 2500 max, meaning; give it a little more then max and your plant will OD like the dead crack heads in the alley. and 2500ppm is not a strain on the wallet lol, human piss has a npk of 50-0-0 and thats very easy to come by and will have a very high ppm that will burn the hell out of the plants.

if you pay top dollar for nh3(nitrogen), P205(phosphorus), and K20(potassium)... that's just a dam shame, another victim of snake oil. you know they sell these npk items in 20lb bags for $30, but you probably pay close to a $100 for the same chemicals just to feed a few plants for a single season, i bet you think they give great results too, i would probably think the same thing if i had nothing to compare too. im so glad i learned from farmers and growers that know whats up. growers that grow large amounts for theone of the top 3 clubs in the area lolz. and they do it without breaking the bank. its a wonder how some peach growers i know even survive with fertilizer being so costly:roll:

best and last advice i will ever give you guys is to stop watching youtube, and read the grow bible (and other botany books)


Well-Known Member
i didnt specify sorry. you should feed half strength nutes every other watering for best results, any more or less will produce small leaves and slow growth.

and you guys STILL WONT POST REFERENCES wtf youtube doesnt count lolz, college does, and i have gone to college to learn. your opinions do not trump any of the facts that have been proven in the studies i've read, and even participated in, so either post up some reference and some picks or stop blasting your oppinion that im wrong. i've gained all my rep almost 1 or 2pts at a time cuz the newbies and non reputable cant give a lot out. and it seems you 2 guys have near 3,000 post(thats 6x more then i have) yet my rep is gaining on yours(im more than half way there). i bet i will get the same rep as you when i get to a thousand post and you will still be chillin with 3000, with the same amount of rep lolz. you have like 1 rep point per 15posts. i get +1 rep every other post... that speaks volumes about whose advice to trust lol.

i see the real problem... im in cali where everyone and their mother grows...... and you guys are not. i have been gardening since i was a weee child, i cloned a plant from a leaf when i was 2 so stop crapping on my advice, how long have you been gardening?
i bet its a lot harder to grow wherever guys are from. that must suck
and get a better ppm meter lol. i dont even use one now, i just watch the plant for signs of what she wants


Well-Known Member
Still why so argumentative, i post pics of my plants reguarly but i havent for a little while now. Whos the best grower means nothing really as dose rep, thats just for fun.

I still think its overferted but i dont mind being right or wrong as its a discussion and i simply provided a reason why 2500ppm might be viable to some plants with some ppm meters.

As for feeding half strength nutes every other watering, well that depends on a lot of other factors such as soil nurients, soil volume and root mass so whereas i may have to water every other day it would not be advisable to add nutes more than once a week or even till you have a good root mass. One feeding of nutes in a decent sized pot will go a long way for a small plant.

Why again is it so important who is right or wrong?

Well i would like to say that snowball your advice is appreciated, but sadly you are wrong. It was a burn and it got worse after i fed it how you told me. So go do some more reading and grow some more peaches or whatever. cuz you didn't help me at all, you just made things worse for me. and im not a first time grower.

He's argumentative because he knows that he was wrong.


let that soil dry out a bit before next watering, some superthrive in the water, no nutes,
at that height that still considered new born. hope it helps..


Well-Known Member
Well i would like to say that snowball your advice is appreciated, but sadly you are wrong. It was a burn and it got worse after i fed it how you told me. So go do some more reading and grow some more peaches or whatever. cuz you didn't help me at all, you just made things worse for me. and im not a first time grower.

He's argumentative because he knows that he was wrong.
Your soil may be hot enough for a few weeks without needing ferts. As well as this a deficiency in one nutrient can lead to the rest burning the plant, sometimes its never as simple as first thought.

Snowball and ghetto are good guys just need to relax on the whole problem thing, i see this as more of a discussion than problem solving and like to talk, just we dont need to get too into the whole whos right or wrong deal. In giving wrong information we still learn to grow better, things can be a bit hit or miss with weed plants at the best of times.

What i dont dispute is that both ghetto and snowball are very passionate about growing weed, this is never a bad thing and if giving more ferts made the situation worse it was probably quicker than coming to the conclusion they already had too many ferts. I like ghettos and snowballs enthusiasm, right or wrong they still rock and care so shouldnt stop trying and glad to have them as part of the comunity. Peace
Okay so i know what happened now, when i mixed up the nutes i was baked and added this fox farm big bloom, and i added ALOT of it like 12 ml (because it said 4 tbls per gallon), because i thought you couldnt burn with organics, and i thought adding more bat manure and earthworm castings would be better. However i looked at again and it says 1 tsp per gallon for seedlings, so whoops that was really stupid. So what can i do now? I already retransplanted them into new fresh soil, and removed most of the old soil when i transplanted. What else should i do?


Well-Known Member
hey cickcne200 im big fan of soilless myself, one thing that i learned , always put soilless in the small pot not more than one gallon pot, it works good for me, easy to control ph, and can push fertilizer to maxium if you see the nutes burn, just flush it since small pot isnt much to flush lolz...i always have failed with soils. its just me..ya know everyone have different methods, they have their best method that works great for them, different growers with different grow systems, like soils, soilless, or hydroponic systems. its most important to know your strain and plant first, before you make a major decisison to do with plants that gone downhill. then good luck and happy growing. Peace :)


Well-Known Member
i knew the burn wasn't caused by my advice...... so my advice was good after all.

I presumed you flushed with water already?....
when you guys got upset with me, i checked and i was trippin for a second, i dont wanna post bad advice, and it turns out i didnt. it was just a simple yet major measuring mistake. but nothing died even though you burned it, at least you've learned some more. good growing

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
DirtysnowBalls. I truely in no way ment to bust your balls. But as far as refrences. Pfft. I am my refrences. I know from doing. But I am also one that feels that about 85% of the people out there buy crap from these companies because they are told to. I complete a crop with between $30 and $40 in nutrients and get about 14 ounces. But where I make my big savings is during the winter. My Grow lights cost me almost no money at all to run. During the winter I stop venting outside and redirect the heat from my lights into my house.
AHH this shit is still getting worse! I don't know what to do someone please hellppp. The 900ppm nutes that i gave them definately caused more burn, and i don't want to flush and cause the whole overwatering thing again. Somone who knows what they are talkinb about please help! I can't sleep at night and i can't function in the day, I realy hope somone can help meee