Yellow flowers late in flowering

I am being overtaken by bananas! Previous grow had these small "banana-like" flowers on one particular strain, but none of the other strains were affected. So I just figured genetics. New grow seven weeks into flowering and flowers popping up everywhere as buds finish. Even strains that were not affected in previous grow. Temps never drop below 60F @ night. Is Temp too low? Am I missing something? I use advanced nutes, coco coir, HPS w/ supplemental L.E.D. Has anyone heard of anything besides genetics or low temps as the cause of these partial male flowers so late in flowering?
:wall: :wall: :wall:


Active Member
over feeding using a light mover not the right light schedule bad genetics cross pollination all can be factors for bananas any seeds that develop off these plants will do the same thing
yeh all can be factor especially bad genetics [ male / female] especially guaranteed female seeds its very common due to the method used to make them female sometimes is not 100%.. and end up throwing male genes back late in flower when plant going through changes