Yellow from Bottom up:( i dont know what to do


Active Member
ok , so.. My plants are 2 weeks old. Im growing inside and old tv. it seems to be working well for now. The temp is steady at 78f. I water them every couple days. The bottom leaves are turning yellow and it seems to be moving up the plant. The leaf that got the yellow first is now brown and flaking off. This does not look good please help:)



Active Member
OK i hope so. Im reading alot of posts of similer problems and i think it might be a (n) problem?? i dont really know its my first time growing


Active Member
the ph is about 7.2
Definitely wanna lower your soil ph a bit if you can, looks alright, just a little N def, if your soil is really 7.2 ph than there's your problem, however if your using MG that's about spot on for watering ph... i'd lower the ph a bit before giving them some nutes, maybe a 1/4 dose and some vinegar in your water or something, no point in giving them juice if they can't absorb all that good stuff