Yellow-ish curing leaves


Hi, I am hoping that someone might have an idea of what is going on with my plants. I am using pro-mix and Canna products, fluro-tubes on 24 hr. When I noticed the problem, I switched to straight water for the last 3 waterings and no change; if anything gotten worse. Thanks



Well-Known Member
You have a mid-grade magnesium deficiency. I'm not very familiar with Canna products. Do they have something with plenty of mag in it? I use CalMag myself, which works really well, so you might want to consider picking some up. If you do, go for the CalMag Plus, which also has trace nutes in it too. Alot of guys use it. Some guys use epsom salts too, which contain lots of mag, but also contain lots of excess salts along with it. So personally, I don't think it's a good idea to use the stuff long term, but fine to use in an emergency such as this. Also, they'll recover faster if you foliar feed them a mag product, along with root feeding, so that's something to consider too. It's not necessary, but helpful.


Thanks for the reply. I was able to find a product to help with the mag deficiency. I added it to the normal watering as directed on the bottle. Should I be clipping the yellow leaves from the plants? I watered all plants last night with a 'rescue' dosage, waiting to see if there is a change tonight. I will take pix as the days go on.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
^It's not a good idea to trim the damaged leaves until they are almost ready to fall off,(more than 50% dead, is a good rule of thumb) or fall off on their own. I know it's tempting because they look like crap, but better safe than sorry. :)


Hi, it took awhile, but I have some new pics on the problem I was/am having with my plants. I am trying hard to keep my pH around 6.5, but I am using a pool/aquarium pH kit until my pen arrives in the mail, so I might not be on 6.5 exactly. I purchased a product to help with the mag deficiency and have been watering with it for the last 1.5 weeks. I have been growing these plants since late Sept. 09 under the T-8's on a 24 hr cycle. I am wondering if I need to: 1. change to 18-6, and 2. maybe transplant them into bigger pots. I did try to flush them with straight pH adjusted water, but since I live in the country, I am getting all of my water from work in the city and transporting enough to flush has been a real trick. There is a filter at work that removes chlorine from the water, and had the chlorine level tested by the boiler guy at work, he told me there was 0.03ppm per 25mL sample. Anyways, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again.



Forgot to mention the reddish-brown leaves on the white widow that was cloned. The bigger leaves have the reddish tint, and the newer top leaves are pale green.


Now I think it could be something else. My pH is bang on 6.5 and u have been using the mag solution but there still seems to be something wrong. I am going to try transplanting into bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
Remember that Magnesium & Calcium lock out at pH 6.4 and lower, so if you only have a pool test kit try to err on the high side of 6.5 rather than the low side, just to make sure your plants can absorb the Magnesium treatment you're giving them. Try for like 6.7-6.8 for now.

Also, when you flushed did you use 3X the pot size worth of water (like 3 gallons of water for a 1 gallon pot)? Most of the acid salts are on the soil surface, and they have to be pushed all the way down through the soil and out the bottom to get rid of them.

Finally, when you have a Cal/Mag issue, even after you fix it the damage is done and may even continue for a little bit longer. Don't be alarmed if the bad leaves still get worse after treatment, as long as your new growth is not being affected and the problem is not getting a LOT worse then you should be OK.

Your plants do look like they could use a transplant, so that should help too. :)