Yellow Jackets Yellowjackets


Well-Known Member
will tell you guys a trick I have learned this year.

We all know or should know that Yellow Jackets are great hunters around your plants. So I have learned when I forget to turn of my garden hose and it leaks a into the mud overnight the Jackets come all day long and take a drink or do whatever they do with the water. Then they fly around my plants and hunt. After seeing this I let my hose drip 24/7 for the jackets will come. They like the water in the mud.

Part 2 to the story

I was at the nursery and seen the yellow jackets traps. So I bought one. Inside the traps there is a tube with some kind of yellow jacket sint that atracts them to the traps. I put some drops of this on that wooden frame I made around my plants. I shit you not I have about 5 jackets around my plants or waterhole everytime I go out there.

I noticed the more days you let your hose drips more jackets come. It must be like the local water source or something. I love it when they hover around my plants hunting.

What am I thinking?

1, does the sint in the traps harm them? I would think not but not sure.

2, What insects do yellow jackets hunt and eat? will they kill catapilers?

3, Has anyone tried this to bring yellow jackets in?


Well-Known Member
That's good thinking with the whole turning a trap into a beneficial attractant... going to do this as well.


Active Member
especially when you consider that bees are going extinct....we need em,try planting some flowers that attract bees around your house,set up a man made honey comb and help conserve nature,because without bees pollinating EVERYTHING,everything else would perish,just something to think about guys


Well-Known Member
running the water like that probably atracts more bugs and pests other than yellow jackets. good thing anything small would be eaten by the yellow jackets

i think bees are going extinct as a sign of the end of the world. i dont really know alot about bees, but i do know were fucking with their ecosystem


Well-Known Member
I doubt the attractant is toxic at all... You are talking about those traps where they go inside and can't get out?


Active Member
i guess not,they are wasps,so disregard that last statement by me,kill kill away


Well-Known Member
Hey man that sounds awesome!

As a side note, I was mowing yesterday afternoon and found one of those yellow jacket nests in the ground. It's right by where my dog stays at so I ran two extension cords and the shop vac out to it....laid the hose right there next to the hole and turned it on. I guess the noise and the vibration right outside their nest pissed them all off so they all started flying out. I stood there and watched a couple hundred get sucked in and then let it run till about three this morning. Had like four inches of dead jackets in the bottom.


Well-Known Member
bahaha, that kicks ass solid idea i gotta nest rite near my house i might just take it out that way


Well-Known Member
I learned that trick when i fed my plants with Alaskan Fish Emulsion- Those dudes came buzzing around my plants, then i see them hunting through my plants. WOW i thought, the wheels started turning. Now i get a can of cat food, crack it open, and put a small scoop here and there under my plants. I always have Yellow Jackets hunting in my garden now. They do a great job, i see them buzzing through the branches, or walking on the plants searching for food.

Buzz on-