yellow leaves 4 weeks in flower

hi ganja growers need some tips my plants going yellow and crispy 4 weeks in flower using bio bizz all mix with boi bizz nutes ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? need to get green asap not looking good:leaf::sad:


Active Member
i use biobizz stuff to.What types ,dosage and frequency of the biobizz nutes are you giving?

If the leaves are yellowing from the bottom it could be the normal dying of the plant as it gets to the end of its life.

I grew a lemon skunk recently that starting yellowing from the bottom at week 4 aswell .It yellowed at a rate of 1 node a week from the bottom to the top.By the time the very top fans were yellowing it was day 56 and the plant was ready.

I don't remember crispy though ,so thats why im wondering if you have overfed.

Anyway you only have 4 weeks to go it wil make it i would dare say.
using bio bizz bloom at 1 ml per litre every third feed ph 6.0 to 6.2 i hve 3 other strains that it has not effected lemon skunk,blueberry headband and amnisia lemon haze,its affected the exudus cheese and blue cheese any info will help ive just fed them epson salts today so will repost pic in a week thank you boiz

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
If its mg def try adding 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water or the yellowing could be lack of nitrogen so feed with some veg notes next time as they have more N in the


Active Member
doesnt look to bad to be honest .do you know you are supposed to keep feeding it biogrow aswell? ..... and bio heaven and top max work really good.In fact my plant only started yellowing when my bio heaven ran a chart for biobizz feeding BioBizz%20LARG.jpg

as you can see you should be using 3 mls bloom and 1 ml (i was using 1,5mls) grow at this stage. as well as 4mls heaven and 1 ml topmax if you have every watering..

I have total faith in biobizz and this chart ,i used it to the letter and got 80 grams dry off 1 plant under a 250 watter..with no topping or training..

hope this helps ,really you should get the heaven as it is full of amino acids and stuff and helps the plant use nutrients better
ps the bioheaven has cal mag properties i it aswell i think ,but from looking at the pic it looks like the biogrow will help


Well-Known Member
Feed more 'N'
you need to maybe use some veg nutes with more nitrogen in them, they are going yellow because the bloom food you are using may be low in nitrogen, it is quite a common thing :)

Dont just throw more bloom food and cal mag this n that, it looks like you're using less 'N' than is needed at this stage. GL


I see the guy above says to follow a chart, please DONT do this, read ya plants, they will tell you what they need (like now) These charts make things way more complex than they actually are and always tend to tell you over needed dosages.
These charts may very well work for some people, but no 2 plants are the same, so knowing what they need is not always something that can be predicted.
Feed more 'N'
you need to maybe use some veg nutes with more nitrogen in them, they are going yellow because the bloom food you are using may be low in nitrogen, it is quite a common thing :)

Dont just throw more bloom food and cal mag this n that, it looks like you're using less 'N' than is needed at this stage. GL


I see the guy above says to follow a chart, please DONT do this, read ya plants, they will tell you what they need (like now) These charts make things way more complex than they actually are and always tend to tell you over needed dosages.
These charts may very well work for some people, but no 2 plants are the same, so knowing what they need is not always something that can be predicted.

hi im hearing two things when i started giving nutes they went yellow in grow so stoped using it and they came back great withh a good flush,now i have the same problem started adding bloom and there going agin


Well-Known Member
If they are 4 weeks into flower and your running an 8-9 week strain and following the feed chart properly.... the yellowing is kinda suppose to occur... its the plant using up the excess nitrogen in the fan leaves to help fuel resin and bud production. Fan leaves are like fat cells.... they provide extra carbs for photosynth in dry conditions or in this case later in flower.... If you where at week 1 or 2 I would worry, but at week 4 you are doing aight man.

Don't stress..... this will also help for a better tasting smoke come the end as you will have properly used all the stored nutes in the plant....


Active Member
Do you know why they make the charts?...For novice growers.How is a beginner supposed to read the plants? thats why hes on here asking what to do.I am telling him that i followed that chart and had a massive success.It is up to him whether he wants to trust me on that.But its not up to you to tell him.
so carry on with bio bloom and top max with every water or shall i water with nutes every 2nd or 3 rd feed ???????? will a little nitro help because its spreading fast also added epson salts today to see if that will help??????????????????????? my other strains are perfect its the chesese strains that are struggling a little
followed the chart u clown and they went yellow as fuck i started to flush and they came back wicked only in week 4 they started to yellow mmmmmmmmmmmm