Yellow Leaves at Bottom Of my Plant


The Leaves all the way at the bottom of my plant are yellow, I am aware that it is from the nutrients, but is there any precautions that I should take or anything that I can do to reverse this problem? Help Please ..


Active Member
In most cases a nutrient solution with plenty of nitrogen (10-8-7 etc.) should solve it ,p.s how old is your plant?


My plant is about a month old now .. I think I might have started giving it nutrients a bit to early. where can I find there nitrogen solutions


Well-Known Member
flush.. 3 times the water of the pot size.
use a nute with a good nitrogen ratio. should solve the problem.


Active Member
can you get pics up, it might be nute burn , what kind of nutrients are you using? by nitrogen solution i mean a nutrient mix that has plenty of nitrogen get pics up and i will try and see whats wrong.
p.s you can get nutes at plenty of places, hydro shops ,garden centres, look for something that says something like N:P:K- 15:15:15 etc.


I am using foxfarm nutrients, the only thing is that the leaves at the VERY bottom look like there dead, however the rest of the plant looks nice and healthy, Its going under its first week of flowering Im prety sure, and I had just watered it today with a tiny bit of soluble nutes for flowering .... bad decision?


Ok so its ok for the leaves at the very bottom to fall off ? Also, do you know a thing or two about flowering? Im pretty sure you do haha