yellow leaves during flower


Well-Known Member
Yep, looks like a bit of nitrogen deficiency. At week 5 I wouldn't be too worried about it. It is normal for them to lose their green color approaching harvest. If it were me I would mix a 50/50 solution of grow/bloom ferts for them for the next watering and then just feed bloom ferts until you flush before harvest. This is assuming they are an 8 week strain. If they are a 9+ week strain I would give them more N for at least a couple waterings before sticking to the bloom ferts.

Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
After taking a closer look I would say they have at least a month to go for their full potential. Give them some N every other watering for the next week or so and see how they respond. You just want to see them stabilize as far as how green they are without yellowing much further for the next 2-3 weeks then just let them ride into harvest. Maybe add some epsom salt for Mg as well...

Not sure what light you are using but lower light intensity will prolong the flowering timeframe....


Well-Known Member
Is there a set time frame in terms of number of weeks left in flower where you let the leaves turn yellow ?

Like a general number ? Or is it totally strain dependent ?
Strain is Blue Mystic. Listed as 7-9 week flower period. I'm using GH Flora Series nutes. Following this feeding chart I'm using a 2 gallon bucket, so I'm following the charts 1-gallon full strength amounts. It equals out to half-strength for my setup. If you know a more efficient schedule, please advise


Well-Known Member
I would say their schedule is fine in general. But there are times when it is best to read what the plant is telling you and adjust accordingly. Different strains have different requirements, some like more Mg or more nutes etc. I also use GH Flora Nova, my medium is home made supersoil. The 4-8-7 does not give them sufficient N IMO. I usually supplement with some Alaska Fish Fert 5-1-1 when the plants "tell" me. Regardless of what the plants are asking for I stop giving them extra N about 3 weeks before harvest. Even though I am using supersoil which could take them through to harvest I use the flora nova at 3/4 to full strength during week 3-4 through about week 5-6. If they were my plants I would add some grow nutes to the mix for a watering or two, maybe a 50/50 mix of the grow (can't remember what it is called) and the flora nova.

SpaceCowboy, opinions vary on that like most techniques. Some would tell you leaves should stay green all the way through harvest. I tend to like them to stay green until at least week 5, it is tough to keep them green much longer (generally) without feeding a lot of N imo. It is strain dependent too, some plants just don't want to stay green others do. I would say a general rule is it is ok at about 2-3 weeks before harvest. I think it produces cleaner smoke as well, letting the plant use up all it's reserves of nutes etc.


Well-Known Member
the lower leaves look wind-burnt to me, do you have a fan blowing directly on them? Could be temp-burnt too, but I think it's wind-damage
We'll I changed her water last night and used the Week 5 Flower nute amounts (1ml of gro, 4ml of micro and 6ml of bloom). If she doesn't start to level out in the next few days, I'll add more gro and see if that helps


Well-Known Member
I would say their schedule is fine in general. But there are times when it is best to read what the plant is telling you and adjust accordingly. Different strains have different requirements, some like more Mg or more nutes etc. I also use GH Flora Nova, my medium is home made supersoil. The 4-8-7 does not give them sufficient N IMO. I usually supplement with some Alaska Fish Fert 5-1-1 when the plants "tell" me. Regardless of what the plants are asking for I stop giving them extra N about 3 weeks before harvest. Even though I am using supersoil which could take them through to harvest I use the flora nova at 3/4 to full strength during week 3-4 through about week 5-6. If they were my plants I would add some grow nutes to the mix for a watering or two, maybe a 50/50 mix of the grow (can't remember what it is called) and the flora nova.

SpaceCowboy, opinions vary on that like most techniques. Some would tell you leaves should stay green all the way through harvest. I tend to like them to stay green until at least week 5, it is tough to keep them green much longer (generally) without feeding a lot of N imo. It is strain dependent too, some plants just don't want to stay green others do. I would say a general rule is it is ok at about 2-3 weeks before harvest. I think it produces cleaner smoke as well, letting the plant use up all it's reserves of nutes etc.
this is great advice, especially the second paragraph, couldn't have worded it any better.