Yellow leaves. Flowering. Add nitrogen? Help!

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
I have a few plants. Blue dream. 5 weeks into flower. Outdoor. Awesome sugary nugs so far. Noticed lower leaves and some upper are turning yellow. The entire plant is a lighter green than my others. I use compost tea as well as bottled Nutes providing micro and macro.

I think I switched to bloom and higher phos nutes and teas too early. I think they are lacking nitrogen.

My idea is to give them a dose of high nitrogen bat guano.
Do u think this would help, hurt, or make any difference? Or any ideas how to remedy the situation?

I can provide pics if it will help.


Active Member
i hope you know it's natural for your plants leaves to turn yellow and die when in early flowering... so don't worry about it. don't use nitrogen thats a bad idea. just wait another week and start giving it flowering nutes... other than that your plants are ok... don't give them nitrogen.


Active Member
he is right. leaves turn yellow because they have given all they can to the plant. either flush or simply water without nutes at this point, she is at the end of her cycle and it's all natural.


New Member
i hope you know it's natural for your plants leaves to turn yellow and die when in early flowering... so don't worry about it. don't use nitrogen thats a bad idea. just wait another week and start giving it flowering nutes... other than that your plants are ok... don't give them nitrogen.

good advice but pics will be very helpfull ???????????



New Member
I have a few plants. Blue dream. 5 weeks into flower. Outdoor. Awesome sugary nugs so far. Noticed lower leaves and some upper are turning yellow. The entire plant is a lighter green than my others. I use compost tea as well as bottled Nutes providing micro and macro.

I think I switched to bloom and higher phos nutes and teas too early. I think they are lacking nitrogen.

My idea is to give them a dose of high nitrogen bat guano.
Do u think this would help, hurt, or make any difference? Or any ideas how to remedy the situation?

I can provide pics if it will help.

what nutes are you using ????????


Active Member
ok as long as i know i'm right... lol j/k. but yeah i really am and listen to them they are correct and pics would be great but if it's like you said and they are the bottom leaves of your plants then it's just their time to go and it's nothing to worry about. but just keep me posted.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
Thanks all. I know yellowing is normal. This is pretty weird though. Ill get pics up asap. My comp is down and I'm doing this from my blackberry. Lol.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
K, got a comp running. lookin for my camera...Ill have pics up in 30 minutes tops. Prepare to be amazed...haha

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
The Nutes I use are:
Compost Tea containing Bat Guano, Sea Kelp, Worm Castings, Molasses, Fish Emulsion and all purpose 5-5-5 fertilizer.

Seperate Feedings of Bottled nutes are...
Cal-Mag, B1 Thrive Alive, Botinacare ProGrow, Age Old Grow.

Compost Tea Containg High Phos Bat Guano, Maxicrop Liquified Sea Kelp, Molasses, Worm Castings, 5-5-5 All Purpose Fertilizer.

Seperate Feedings of Bottled Nutes are...
Soul Synthetic Bloom, Beastie Bloom, Cal-Mag, CarboLoad.

Please do not crit my nutes regement as I dont care what anyone has to say about it. If you have questions about my nutes PM me. thanx.

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
K, snapped a few pics. Ill explain Each One...

Having Technical Difficulties with RIU so I had to upload the pics to photobucket...I figured its better anyway cuz RIU minimizes there pics...

Click the LINKS>>>

Pic1: One of my bigger ladies thats yellowing. The Entire plant is a very light shade of green with various yellow leaves. If you look at the plant behind her you can see she is much greener.

Pic2: My biggest and yellowist. I pulled off a ton of yellow leaves a couple days ago and now theres more. Not as many as there was when I pulled the first ones off though....

Pic3: A nice Kola and as you can see theres a little yellow leaf being a jerk right in my dankness.

Pic4: A few light green kolas with yellow in em.

Pic5: Yellowage in me weeds.

Pic6: Trying to show contrast between the yellow plant on the left and the more healthier forrest green plant on the right.

Pic7: A healthy GREEN! minimal yellow underneath. Now THATS normal.

Pic8: Three Musketeers. Contrast. Yellow. Yellow. Green.

So, I know my plants are healthy and lookin good, I just want to figure this out before they get out of control. I know theres something goin on here because only some of my plants are doing it, while others remain a healthy dark green. Im fairly new with the grow scene but I cant figure this one out...

anyone got any ideas?

Here's a few Nug Shots, even though they're pre-mature, everyone loves BUD PORN! They'll BE SUPER DANK SOON!

mmm sugar



Active Member
Do you have pictures of your plant, me and my friends have a blue dream growing I wanna see how similar they are


i really dont think anything is wrong there they look good it might be because the 1 that is yellow is more in the sun than the rest but thats just my guess


Active Member
Your plants look delicous.You should be proud.The leaves are doing what they're supposed to do,dying back during flowering.
It gives the buds extra energy.


Active Member
The pics are links... Read my post above your first post.
O.K. Bro,
You got nuttin' to worry about. Shit your plants are the bomb!!!

My plant looks identical except yours has many more bud sites:clap:..For the last few weeks I go out every a.m. and pick off the yellow leaves.

Perfectly normal for this strain evidently...Mine is starting to get a little blueberry aroma to it..Nice! Not enough smell to translate to the bud after the curing but who knows!:o

