yellow leaves lower some spotting


Well-Known Member
sounds good i would veg those seeds while that 1 is in flower, that way when you harvest you allready have a plant to throw into flower , if you dont have light all you need is a couple cfls and a y splitter , ever get that super thrive yet feed that asap man
i went to home depot by me an they had way to expensive 20 sum bux for a pint so i ordered on ebay for 5.50 for 1 oz an it said would be here friday or before whats that stuff going to do bro?


Well-Known Member
its just hormones and vitamins for your plant , it a reviver and good for transplants also good to give your plant a good head start i just hit mine couple days ago 2 week in veg just to give a boost they produce lots of roots as well
have any idea how long that dolomite lime will take to be absorbed by the plant? cause the stems still alil purple an some white tips of leaves. an new shoots are pretty weak even some of the older shoots besides that shes looking great no droopy leaves and lush green again all over


Well-Known Member
Its readily available when you water its organic so the plant will take it when it needs it , the plant stem wont turn back to green, look at the new stem growth it will be green , just watch when you add that super thrive on your next feed!

Also It very very i will cut any leaves off and if i do i only cut them in halves , Leaves+energy production, But if you still have those white looking leaves id cut them off, if theres no green on em there not collecting any light


Well-Known Member
have any idea how long that dolomite lime will take to be absorbed by the plant? cause the stems still alil purple an some white tips of leaves. an new shoots are pretty weak even some of the older shoots besides that shes looking great no droopy leaves and lush green again all over
white tips? there usually yellow, a faded yellow at first that it looks white, thats nute burn, but if its just the tips then it was a VERY light burn , nothing to get worried about i get those lil tips often when im pushing em!
yea theyre a yellowish your very right an alright good thing thats nun to worry about so i shouldnt need to use cal mag i plan on using tap water from now on an only distilled when i forget to set water out also the superthrive wont cause any burn right? sorry just alil paranoid


Well-Known Member
It very potent stuff , but at a 5ml/tsp shouldnt do anything , some people do half teaspoon , i do 5 ml, since thats not my plant and i dont know exact conditions just do half. thats about half the cap of the bottle


Well-Known Member
you still got em in veg? and give em 2.5 ml/half tsp per gal, just wait today and tomorrow then feed
i fed her the superthrive last night the soil dried up and yea im sending her to budding monday got some sour diesel my fav lol hints my username lol an shes about 3 days old an 4 inches tall looking healthy ima 12/12 from seed. having alil bit of bug issues with the 1 i posted pics of on here. woke up this morning with tiny transluscent holes in some leaves so i ordered the neem oil


Well-Known Member
Id really wait 1 week till you do , but if your absolutly in a rush go ahead on monday like i said if it were me id wait till friday or something , you need to treat those roots nice and theyll reward you man

I know you really want to go into flower already but do yourself and the plant a favor and let the plant really build up bro, you never want to go into flower half ass, the stronger the start the better its going to be overall


Well-Known Member
you should clone and lollipop your plant ? what strain is the current 1? , take a overall pic of your plant
dont know the strain but shows alot of sativa dont know the name of it though it came from some fire bag seed an how do i lollipop i topped 12 times so that wouldnt be a bad idea lol an will post a pic asap