*Yellow Leaves?* - *White Spots On Leaves*


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Need some more details dude:
What are you growing in, what you feeding them?, how old are they?, what stage you in? etc.
Yellow leaves could mean a few things. The spots I am not sure about (mildew/mold?)


Active Member
What the hell i have the same problems. Both the yellow leaves and the white spots and i also am growing outdoors with a plant around 2 feet and just starting to bud


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It could also be spider mites, check under the leaves for tiny little webbing. If so, you need to douse them with a dish soap, water, vinegar mix.


Active Member
I am having the same problem only I am growing hydroponically. Its really weird. The spots start out kind of silvery white and then they turn yellow after a day or so and then turn brown. It has affected most of my plants and I have no clue what it could be. The spots are a couple centimeters big. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have two problems,

1) Yellow Leaves, good or bad?

2) White spots on my leaves, good or bad?
Any time your plants are not all green and lush, it isn't good. Starting at the bottom is a decent sign they aren't getting enough to eat.

Ok old post, but samm bumped it I guess, well maybe that answer helps you.


starting out with white spots, than yellowing leaves, than dieing? Sounds like you got some spidermites. Check the bottom side of your leaves for tiny black specs.


Well-Known Member
White spots are frequently an indicator of mites like a few people stated. Thoroughly inspect the every inch of the plants including the undersides of the leaves for them.If you see any type of webbing in the foliage or buds it is mites. They are nasty little effers!


Well-Known Member
i really really spider mites.. i clean them up and then a few weeks later they always come back. same with the white flies! im growing indoors in my bedroom walk-in closet, and i try to keep my rooma s clean as possable. but those fuckers always get onto my plants somehow. i have 4 beutiful plants in the flowering stage and it drives me crazy knowing that these bugs are on my plants

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
I am having the same problem only I am growing hydroponically. Its really weird. The spots start out kind of silvery white and then they turn yellow after a day or so and then turn brown. It has affected most of my plants and I have no clue what it could be. The spots are a couple centimeters big. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks!
thrips leave little silvery to white spots those little bastards do damage. get a piece of paper and put it under a couple leaves and tap the leaf if it is thrips you will see them on the paper


Active Member
if its anything like this(the top leaf in the photo), change ur water to distilled or R/O (anything about 6.5 pH) and/or you have hot spots. if ur using a reflector on your, take a photo of it and post it on here. Chances are its just burning the fuck outta ur leaf. Its one of those 2 things. not spider mites

photo 3 by kevin50022, on Flickr


Well-Known Member
they are getting ate the fuck up by something bigger than mites I'll tell you that much. looks like grasshopper aftermath on some of those leaves bro