Yellow Leaves


Well-Known Member
during flowing your plant will use up all the nitrogen in your plant causeing the leaves to turn yellow,
its normal, i dont no hpw early tho... cause mines a month into flowering with no sign of discolouring...
but it is normal


yes, 2 weeks in and yellow is an issue
You might add a N nute for a week and see what happens - is this new or old growth?


and, is it alot of leaves or only a couple? if few in nbr and rest are fine - don;'t worry, but keep an eye on them


Well-Known Member
you need to add some CAL/MAG..MJ plants use that stuff up fast. really fast

in a hydro set up...the MAG is mobile thats why it you see it start to yellow from the

bottom leafs 1st..they be fine, what are you feeding them?