Yellow leaves


Well-Known Member
I have been growing my plant for about 3-4 weeks now i noticed that the two lowest leaves were turning yellow.when i bought it at the club it was like that but i figured it go away. They started goin green again but now their back to goin yellow. I was wondering can i remove these two leaves and not have anythin bad happen to my plant which is in the 2nd week of budding.

Note:its only these two leaves



Active Member
Your plant looks quite healthy, and the yellowing isn't bad. You'd honestly be doing more damage by removing the leaves. Is that soil? Are you using nutes?


Well-Known Member
hey just an update one of the leaves got better N stood green but the other got really bad N fell off today??!!??


get rid of the foil, it only reflects 30% of the light shined on it... use plain white paint or paper if you can.


Well-Known Member
i would say flush it because it looks like nute burn but the rest of the plant looks very nice. like that dude said youll probably do more damage.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
What kind of soil and did you feed it anything? Whats the pH? Most potting soil mixes already have enough nutes to last about 3 months in them already, adding more nutes right away is a common mistake most beginners have. Looks like burn. (Could be an Mg deficiency, but it's probably burn)


Well-Known Member
Ya my soil already has nutes in it n i didnt feed it anythin..i just did a flush so i think it will be ok none of the leaves are damaged anymore even the one that was turning yellow is fine now..