Yellow leaves


Active Member
Nute burn, or lights are too close??? I am using 250 hps 10" away from plant day 20. Thanks!!!! P.S. I think it is from the light, but I just want to be sure, because I have been feeding her in small amounts. My cycle is feed, water, feed, water, rn about every (3 to 4) days. 20/4 Light cycle, with temps between (74 to 79).


Your plant has a dark colour. This means there is more than enough nitrogen available. I assume this is fresh soil? If so stop feeding nutrients for a week or two and look how the plant develops. Fresh soil is full of nutrients. So save your money and let the soil do the work. I also wouldn't worry about the yellow spot. Do as i told you and report again in 1 or 2 weeks.


Active Member
What do you mean? when you say fresh soil? It has been in the same soil for 20 days, I said it was on day 20.


What do you mean? when you say fresh soil? It has been in the same soil for 20 days, I said it was on day 20.
I mean the opposite of old soil ;D Your plant is a few weeks old i guess. Did u buy your soil shortly before you planted this plant ? If so you planted your plant in fresh soil. fresh soil as in new soil.


Active Member
new soil fresh from the bag, looks like foxfarm maybe? If so some soils are HOT and already loaded w/ Guano, earthworm castings, and beneficial bacteria. These provide your plant with the necessary nutrients for the first couple of weeks.


I.e someone grows two times a year and buys more soil than he needs for the first grow. instead of buying new soil this person takes the old soil and uses it for his next grow to save money. Of course this is a bad idea because the soil dries out completly after months. But some people do it.