yellow, need help

one of my outdoor plants first set of leaves are turning yellow. not the cotyledons but the fan leaves. Its about 5 weeks old. only the bottom leaves are changing color, the rest of them are fine. also, the top of the soil was tinted yellow, any explanations? here are some pics


Im more worried about the yellowing of the soil. you cant really see it from the pictures. could it possibly be the nutrients im feeding her?


Well-Known Member
lower leaves will do that. as long as the majority of the top growth looks good then don't worry. they turn yellow because the plant has decided to discard the leaf and is sucking the nutes out of it.


Active Member
Fuck my outdoor plants lower leaves turned white after transplant. Yellow white dry cracking. Happens every year, the white I believe is the plant adapting to the water in the area. They be right by a swamp. I wasn't prepared to give a pic but you can see it at de bottom of Des two plants. Sorry aboot quality.

