Yellow new growth, red stems, canoing, halted growth. Help!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been growing two WW moms since November; One Indica and one Sativa phenos and I was taking clones about 3 weeks ago and topped my Indica as she was only about 3-4 inches from the light and was curling up pretty bad and all the top new growth was droopy and fading with red stems. Well, since than she's still drooping and has red stems, and it seems growth has halted for the most part. The clones are doing pretty well though and the Sativa pheno is flourishing throwing nodes everywhere. My only fear with the Sativa is it may be a male as it has no preflowers and I didn't take clones last round to sex. The Indica is a monster though, with growth unchecked over a few days while I was out of town it completely took over the tray (see below).

My setup for the moms is a 430w HPS 24/0 (previously 18/6, using the light to keep temps up) and E&F table with a 10gal res. I have 2 2" air stones in the mom's container running at all times, flooding for 15 minutes every 4 hours. There's a humidifier keeping RH in the 40s as well as temps in the mid 70s. I usually run 1/2 nutes for about 10-14 days topping off the res with chlorinated tap water and do a full change and clean at the same time. All plants are fed GH Flora series, with occasional SuperThrive, CalMag and Root enhancer.

Here's a picture of the Indica mom with her yellowing new growth, drooping, red stems and leaves canoing up as well. Ignore any yellow tips that's a bit of nute burn that I previously backed down from. The moms have been on de-chlorinated tap water, two drops Super Thrive and a tsp of root enhancer (in 7 gal water) since Sunday night in preparation for the cloning I took tonight. I'll return them to a nute regimen tomorrow after these clones have survived at least 12 hours (since it's my first aero-clone and second overall attempt).

Here's the mom's together, you can see the Indica is crowding the other mom. I didn't intend to have them so close together but I kinda ran out of time and room to have thing spread out. I've been trimming each other to try to clear a gap but it's a losing battle without stripping them of more than I'd like right now. The aero-cloner is on the floor on the right of the tray; I tested the light at this area and it is reading about 1-3k lux there with the 430w about 5-5.5' away, and the cloner in the shade of the Sativa. Is that too much light for clones to root?

Here's the Indica's stem, note that the piece of reflective tape is about 1" from side to side. This girl really has some vigor, I took it out of soil and put it into an E&F fully expecting them both to die, yet they just keep growing.

Here's the Sativa mom(?), note the very narrow stem. No preflowers are showing anywhere on the plant that I can tell unlike the Indica; but if it's female it may actually be the variety I end up sticking with for my SoG due to it's vigor and compact (ish) size:

Here's a few pics under the cover of the roots, both are of the Indica's root mass, the first is right under it's pot, and the other is on the far side next to the Sativa on the camera's side of the group shot; I don't think the tan root color is rot, it's probably the Flora Micro. But the roots look otherwise healthy, no?

Oh, and here are the clones, rooted for 12 days and moved to 6" pots on a 2x4 table under a 600w air cooled hood with 1/4 strength nutes (still came out around 500ppm @.5 for some reason). These clones were taken around 2-14 or so. I'll be taking clones off the viable ones Saturday night and flipping the lights to flowering, than changing the res to flowering nutes 3 days into the cycle (to reduce stretch). I'd really like to average 15g+ a plant, but who knows :joint:


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions at all appreciated. The clones are looking good for the most part, a few are wilty but I expected at least one or two to die before the week is over anyway. I might give the clones one more day before flipping as the potential clones I was going to take are still too small though. I'm adding nutes to the res tonight after I top it off though, half strength Flora nutes and 2 tbsp of calmag. I've been keeping pH between 5.7 and 6.2 but I'm going to drop it down to 5.5 and give it a bigger range to swing through, maybe I'm getting a pH lockout?


Well-Known Member
Gads Ott,
That's a lot to read. One question...are you using hardwater micro? If not, that means you are using tapwater and a Micro that includes Ca and mag AND you're throwing some Calmag in on top of that? So whatever else you are doing...I can tell you almost certainly you are way overfeeding Ca. Could be messing with ph and also locking out other nutrients. So what micro are you using???


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that, lol! I wanted to give all the info up front to avoid too much confusion. I'm using the non-hard water Micro as it says to only worry about the hardwater Micro above 250ppm or so. My tap water comes out around 8.5 pH and 150ppm, after 24+ hours of bubbling it dials down to ~8.1 and 140 or so. I usually give the moms a tbsp of calmag when I mix the tub, it recommends on the bottle for something like 5tbsp, which I think is a bit much. Just to re-mention I don't add any nutes and just add water and change the res every 14 or so days.

One thing, I did go about 5 or so days over a while back (which is why the fan leaves show a mild def) but I changed out the tub the same day I noticed it.


Well-Known Member
I still think you're giving too much Ca. To be accurate in your Ca could add Calmag to your tapwater to bring it to 250ppm...then use hardwater micro which has no Ca or Mg. And then use no extra Calmag.

Rather then giving them stuff that they don't need. 140ppm of Ca and Mg (from tapwater) AND extra Calmag...and you don't feel that's an issue?


Well-Known Member
I've added 1/2 strength nutes and trimmed both of them down some. I'll keep an eye on them and refrain from using any extra calmag for a while. :) I figured the 140ppm was various contaminants (flouride, sodium, cal, mg, zinc, iron etc) and not just calcium and magnesium.