Yellow spot on leaves T____T


this is my first try to grow this beautiful plants but i'm failing :wall:

I plant a random seed and 2 auto ak47.
The random seed keep growing and the ak47 stop on week 2 [now we are on week 4 or 5..] but I think the auto ak47 wanted a fertilized soil and not the random soil I used.
One ak47 gets stuck at 3 cm and I decided to abandon it.

But the new problem is: yellow spot on both plants!!

Random one:

auto ak47 one:


What can i do?
What they need?


Oh shit T_T
I will never harvest T_T

I will send my boyfriend to see if there is some stupid spider mites under the leaf and keep searching for something to kill they.
But i notice that the spider mites yellow spot is more 'pointy' than the ones on my leaf.. are you sure?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
check the leaves closely for leaf miner. a serious pest that causes considerable damage - GL


View attachment 2290263deficiencies2.jpgManganese deficiency it looks like? Are you using fertilizer now? Chances are, the plant next to it is sucking all the nutes from the soil. Or is it plastic? lmao. looks like its time to transplant .... Don't make the mistake of using miracle grow.