Yellow spots on leaves, please HELP

I'm freakin out! My three and a half week old plants that I thought were doing just fine, today just noticed yellow spots on three of the five plants. There are dark spots in the yellow areas. Please help! Newbie! It is in soil in a 3 gallon bucket. Is the problem water? I'm buying a ph tester tomorrow. Any suggestions would be helpful! I had more pics but my computer messed up.
Grow on!


Well-Known Member
Don't freak out, these are resilient plants that WANT to grow. My advice would be not to put anything else in your plant until you get that pH meter and flush with some 6.5 water. Another option would be to go buy a jug of distilled water, but that's no long term solution. Have you used any nutes? What mix of soil are using?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
once again thanks for all advice. Also i raised my lights from 24in to 36 here is the pics i have but they suckView attachment 2602518View attachment 2602519View attachment 2602520
your soil is crap.

Miracle Grow would be better.

those big wood chips are NOT soil, they are mulch, your roots can do shit with wood.

as the wood chunls decay they will make tannins and other toxins.

repot them in good soil, not that shit.

woody chunky tree parts run through a wood chipper is useless to plants. that shit would be ok if you mixed it about 50/50 with coco, or really good loamy soil. before i buy a sack of home-depot "potting soil" i feel through the bag, if you feel chunks, it's crap.

on the upside, if you have a worm farm that shit can become badass dirt in about 6 months, but without that, its pure poison. you would have better luck growing dope in playground sand or railway gravel.
yellow 2.jpgyellow.jpgyellow 3.jpgImage0 (1).jpgImage0 (3).jpgOk this is my pics, the first three are two weeks ago, last two are today. don't know what's wrong. ph between 6.7 and 7. no nutes as of yet. 400 watt hps at 25 inches, room temp around 75 degrees, 39% humidity. it's on three out of five plants and i think the others are starting to get it. they are about one month old. and yes i know, my soil is crap. but that's what happens when you live in bfe. any suggestions on how to correct this problem would be appreciated.
Make sure you are using water with a PH of 6.5 DO NOT USE CITY WATER. It has chlorine only way to get rid of that is to bubble with an air stone for 24 hours. There are tons of other nasty things in ciy water we don't need to get into but birth control and all kinds of prescription meds are some examples. They DO NOT get filtered out by the city. You CAN NOT filter those things out. Use RO (Reverse Osmosis) water. Get a good soil less mix such as Sunshine Mix #4 (love this stuff) Use Cal-Mag with every watering. Your temps and humidity are all good. Make sure soil gets bone dry before watering again and use a good nutrient lineup with the proper micro and macro nutrients. It looks to me like you have a nutrient deficiency. I see that your stems are purple... this is usually a sign of a lack of Cal-Mag.