Yellow spots on leaves... what are they telling me?

Seeing some yellow spotting on the top leaves of my satives (not the ones i tossed a week ago). Grow bible says add more P... but the nutrient mix already has a pretty good amount of it in there. pH is still 6.5ish.

How much should I add (volume and concentration)? Should I add it directly (pour into the rockwool) or just but a bunch more into the nutrient solution?

Pics attachedspottyleaves 003.jpgspottyleaves 002.jpgspottyleaves 001.jpg
green... they look pretty much the same as any pot plant i've ever seen, and same as the indicas. i'llt ry to get a pic in the morning.

i did notice that on one sour og, the spots were almost entirely concentrated one half the plant. figuring maybet hat means its a light and/or ventilation issue, i moved it closer to the fan and flipped it around so that the other leaves would get the bulk of the light. hopefully that helps some.


Well-Known Member
green... they look pretty much the same as any pot plant i've ever seen, and same as the indicas. i'llt ry to get a pic in the morning.

i did notice that on one sour og, the spots were almost entirely concentrated one half the plant. figuring maybet hat means its a light and/or ventilation issue, i moved it closer to the fan and flipped it around so that the other leaves would get the bulk of the light. hopefully that helps some.
what is your watering habbits? i used to get that problem in my leaves when i was overwatering...


Active Member
I'm clueless man. When i get back home ill read about plants and see if we cant figure this out
Thanks man... here's another pic of the ak47 (the last survivor) showing hwo the spotting is occuring on primarily one side. This only really happened on this one plant, so I'm not sure if it tells you anything... but its definitely weird. Because something like this would seem to indicate a light burn/ventilation issue (cant think of any other reason why it'd be so concentrated on only half the plant), I did move this and the other sativas closer to the fan and flipped them around some in case the light was burning em.

Anyway, I do appreciate it. Cheers :)



Well-Known Member
Do you have a microscope yet? Look at the spots under a microscope and find out what they are up close..... When i last found Yellow spots like yours, if was parasites....wiggling around and partying on my plants... yaya hope it's not that! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks man... here's another pic of the ak47 (the last survivor) showing hwo the spotting is occuring on primarily one side. This only really happened on this one plant, so I'm not sure if it tells you anything... but its definitely weird. Because something like this would seem to indicate a light burn/ventilation issue (cant think of any other reason why it'd be so concentrated on only half the plant), I did move this and the other sativas closer to the fan and flipped them around some in case the light was burning em.

Anyway, I do appreciate it. Cheers :)
im sorry, didnt realize you were in hydro set up....prolly not overwatering...hydro not my thing. but atleast the other plant look good.
EDIT: forgot to put this in, but kinda looks like Mag def.
Do you have a microscope yet? Look at the spots under a microscope and find out what they are up close..... When i last found Yellow spots like yours, if was parasites....wiggling around and partying on my plants... yaya hope it's not that! :)
Crap, don't like the sound of that. They've been indoors though, the entire time. Wouldn't it be strange if the parasites were only attacking the sativas? And only in the top/exposed leaves?
if the yellowing starts at tips works it way down, i had the same problem when i was overfertilizing
Well, we ahd that problem (and its still present on a few of the plants, both sativas and indicas... but it has mostly gone away). But the yellowing 'm talking about is the spotting, which i think is traced to a P or K deficiency, or like i said in the earlier posts a light burn and/or lack of ventilation. Wondering if anyone else had experience with it though b/c it seems to be getting worse


Active Member
So looking into the bible i came to the conclusions that you have more then one problem, and maybe even more.

The dark green leaves would show overdose of N, and those spots look K deficiency, the rest is to hard to tell. To treat these two make a very mild N-P-K solution and flush the plants. As soon as new foliage gets better increase the dosage.

Get'er doneeeee! :D
So looking into the bible i came to the conclusions that you have more then one problem, and maybe even more.

The dark green leaves would show overdose of N, and those spots look K deficiency, the rest is to hard to tell. To treat these two make a very mild N-P-K solution and flush the plants. As soon as new foliage gets better increase the dosage.

Get'er doneeeee! :D
1. you say 'mild'... how mild? And flush it with that... is that the 'run the rockwool through with a ton of fluid until the runoff changes color' emergency procedure int he bible? Or just use a really diluted feeding solution for a while?

2. Should I alter the twice nightly 8 minute waterings?

3. Should I put any Mg in it?


Active Member
Flush meaning make x3 the volume of the pot drain out with water. Mind you never had to flush that much yet but that's what it says todo
Mild = very weak

only you know what that really means you know ... what ....i mean? :p

Add epsom salts (2 tea spoons per galon)


Well-Known Member
Flush meaning make x3 the volume of the pot drain out with water. Mind you never had to flush that much yet but that's what it says todo
Mild = very weak

only you know what that really means you know ... what ....i mean? :p

Add epsom salts (2 tea spoons per galon)
id like to see your plants:grin:, you post some pics?