Yellow Spots on my clones!


Active Member
i'm only on day 6 of my veg cycle, so I'm thinking maybe they are just still stressed from new soil, light, ferts/nutes, maybe they are just still adjusting? but they all have yellow spots, some worse than others. PH is about 6.8.

They get water with there food mix (FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom, Nitrex, PH down, Super Thrive, Molasses)Every other watering, and just PLAIN tap water (that has been sitting out 24 hours) in between feedings. Am I doing something wrong? Temps staying between 78-85, humidity at 41%. Here are some pisc, check my journal for more info on my set up.



Active Member
If your PH is good i cant think of anything aside from pests and nute burn. Maybe you threw too many nutes at them all at once? I know the most important thing for vegging is nitrogen, everything else seems to take a backburner (comparatively). and i haven't put that much molasses in for such young plants ever so i cant say for sure if its good or bad right now.

check under the leaves carefully for any signs of bugs or spidermites then id suggest just flushing with straight water and reducing the PPM to see if it cleans up. those guys are so tiny i feel like you might want to try easing them in a little more slowly. That sounds like a heavy nute regimen.

Good luck! hope you get them back on track.


Well-Known Member
You're giving them way too much nitrogen. GrowBig already has plenty of nitrogen in it, so you don't need to be using Nitrex. You should only use Nitrex if you have a nitrogen deficiency. You might also want to take it easy on the SuperThrive and molasses. SuperThrive is very potent shit, requirement a single drop per gallon, and really should only be used once every 3-4 waterings. Molasses, which serves as a carbohydrate supplement really only makes sense to use during the last 2-3 weeks of flowering.


Active Member
Ok I am going to leave them alone for a few days, let them dry out and then I will water then with just plain water and flush it thru, I will lighten up on the super thrive, and maybe the nitrex, however I was told that especially in the Veg stage the plants LOVE nitrogen, I purchased my organix nitrex from Hydro Depot at the same time as I purchased my super thrive and fox farm products. I was told that was a good regimine to follow. But my plants are telling me otherwise!!


Well-Known Member
Ok I am going to leave them alone for a few days, let them dry out and then I will water then with just plain water and flush it thru, I will lighten up on the super thrive, and maybe the nitrex, however I was told that especially in the Veg stage the plants LOVE nitrogen, I purchased my organix nitrex from Hydro Depot at the same time as I purchased my super thrive and fox farm products. I was told that was a good regimine to follow. But my plants are telling me otherwise!!
ya they do like nitrogen in veg but u can still over do it. too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
It's true that the plants thrive on nitrogen, and use the highest concentrations during the vegetative state, but that doesn't mean that you should provide them with an endless bounty of it. For optimum growth without burning the shit out of your plants, you need to provide just the right amount of nitrogen. Not too little, and definitely not too much. Drop the Nitrex from your regimen and just stick with the GrowBig once you've adequately flushed your soil to get rid of all the excess nitrogen that has built up.

And in the future, don't put too much stock in the advice given to you by the guy at Home Depot. All plants are not created equal and do not necessarily thrive using the general advice and instructions given by the Home Depot staff. If you're unsure about something or are planning on trying something new, post a thread and get multiple opinions from the users of our community. Good luck, and keep us updated!


Active Member
Not Home Depot, Hydro Depot, its actually a well known hydro store in the area. They focus on cannibis.


Well-Known Member
Oh may bad! My mind saw "Depot" and I processed it as HOME Depot :-D I still stand by what I said about the Nitrex... it's not necessary unless you've got a nitrogen deficiency.


Active Member
i'm only on day 6 of my veg cycle, so I'm thinking maybe they are just still stressed from new soil, light, ferts/nutes, maybe they are just still adjusting? but they all have yellow spots, some worse than others. PH is about 6.8.

They get water with there food mix (FF Grow Big, FF Big Bloom, Nitrex, PH down, Super Thrive, Molasses)Every other watering, and just PLAIN tap water (that has been sitting out 24 hours) in between feedings. Am I doing something wrong? Temps staying between 78-85, humidity at 41%. Here are some pisc, check my journal for more info on my set up.
This looks like a lack of magnesium in your feeding. I've used the same FF schedule that you are on and had this happen to my last two grows. If the spots are more apparent on the lower leaves and not the top ones, it is a lack of mangesium. Most commercial ferts (non-organic and organic) do not contain magnesium in them and it is commonly overlooked. I haven't seen too many soils that have this either. Even the FF soil mixes do not have hardly any magnesium in them.
Magnesium is one of the chemicals that is vital to chlorophyl production and can send the plant into nute lockout if it is too low.
On your FF schedule, mix 1 tbls of epson salt in a gal of water. You can mix this same amount of salt in your FF mixture as well.
Use some of this water to foilar feed for a few weeks because if the plant is in nute lockout, they most likely won't take nutes from the roots.

Another good way to avoid this in future grows is to mix garden lime into your soil (i use about 1/2 cup per gallon bucket of soil). Garden lime has a good magnesium content.
Good luck.