yellow spots


Active Member
ok, take a look at this picture. i can't tell if it's nute burn or overwatering, at least i think it's one of the two. but the remedies for each kind of make the other one worse, so i'm not sure what to do. there's another plant in the same soil as this one that's actually doing great and looks really healthy. it's miracle grow soil and i took the ph and it's right around 6.5 in 3 different places so i'm guessing that's not the problem. any ideas?



Active Member
thanks, that looks like my problem. is there any way to fix this with the plants already in the soil? i know there's ph up and down for hydro systems, but what about soil? will watering it long enough eventually get everything to around 7.0 or is there something else that i should do?


Well-Known Member
Get a ph test kit. These are inexpensive. What you put in your water will effect the ph.


Active Member
right now i'm using distilled water, so it should be at 7.0. should i just keep using this and let it balance itself out? what should i do if it begins to get worse.


Well-Known Member
Someone already stated this - Get a pH test Kit and Ph UP & pH DOWN solutions (check my sig for info on pH values and nutrient absorbtion)....and not all destiled water is 7.0 pH i use destiled water with seedlings and in hydro and it runs around 5.8...


Well-Known Member
Kinda looks like what mine do when I get water on the leaves with the lights on.


Active Member
rkm, u f#*%in rule! ive been reading up ont the same problem with mine & i thin u just answerd m question, ive been misting them befor the lights come on & that has to be my problem. thanks!