Yellow Spotting (Noob Grower)


Hi I am new to the art, I have been studying theory for about 2 years. I am slightly concerned. I have 4 Little ladies 1 week and 1 day old. and One of them have peculiar yellow spotting. Its just a wee sprout I have a picture.
notice the black spot ( it is a little peat moss that my fan kicked up) I fed it nutrients about 3 days ago small 1/2 tsp per gallon of water fed it only about 500 ml.They are feminized Big Bang the rest of them are lush and green. It could be the possibility of not enough water i did the finger test top inch is dry but deeps down its slightly moist. any and all feed back would be appreciated.

Setup 600 watt metal halide.
2 circulating fans. 160 cfm intake and 1 160cfm exhaust fan with carbon filtire in a 2x6X8 closet. Temp 74-82 degrees F during the day and as low as 68 at night. while Humidity is between 40-60 by day mostly 50, and by night as high as 80. 18/6 days. the nutrients I used were Flora Nova Grow nutes 7-4-10, by General Hydroponics.

Just thought with the more info the better the responses.;-)



Well-Known Member
too early to be feeding them anything. go the first two weeks with just plain good soil. probably gave them a little burn.


too early to be feeding them anything. go the first two weeks with just plain good soil. probably gave them a little burn.

Thanks I will just let them soak up some good ole water and leave out the nutrients. and see how they fair. Appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
no problem. the first two weeks or so they should have enough nutrients in the soil to sustain themselves, it might be ten days or 14??? Just go easy the first feeding. some take ferts better than others. less is better in the beginning.