yellow taco leaves and black spots at places ive pruned

:confused:Picture 001.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 007.jpgPicture 002.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 004.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 003.jpghey whats up i have a problem just the top leaves r turning yellow and curling like a taco and has not got any bigger since this occured . the rest of the plant is fine and looks green. its under 250wt mh prob atleast 20inches from the light. i just use this nutrient stuff called floranova grow 7-4-10 iam not sure if this is the problem.
if u need more info ill reply. its about 18 inches and i just trimmed some of the leaves a little bit and it now has like a black stuff on the tips were i cut them i used scissors. anyhelp would be appreciate btw i am obviously very noob so ty:)
its indoor
no pic atm
water it about every 2-3 days
i have coconut as soil.


New Member
My guess is you hit them with to strong a feed. Sounds like it was the first time you fed them and gave them a bit too much. Just plain water the next few times they need water then SLOWLY introduce them to the nutes.....


Well-Known Member
This is nutrient burn. Make sure you are mixing correctly. I've seen terrible result with flora nova if your not careful. On the other hand flora nova used properly has been among the best buds I've seen. Flush it and do some reading to prevent this from happening again.

I'm also gonna say no, its not heat you have the perfect temp. In fact 20 inches is too far, you plant is stretching to the light. Move light to 12 inches and you should notice the new growth closer together. The further away your light, the greater the lumen drop.
i just grabbed some scissors i didnt even think bout that. what can i do cus i thought when u prune it more come from those spots but its just blackness only at the middle of the tip in the shoot